My new doctor ask me about porn

This is a different story.
I would probably stick with him then.


Me too. 15151515151515

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Well, was he asking for recommendations?

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You didnt get the feeling that he or she was hitting on you? That would make me uncomfortable and I wouldn’t answer it. I’m not even comfortable telling my dr. About my low libido.

That’s weird. You should have answered, “Your wife servicing a Shetland pony.”

Those are very inappropriate questions to ask a client…

Good grief! I don’t watch porn, but i think if someone had asked me about it, i would find myself a different doctor. Seems a very inappropriate question to ask someone, unless, of course, you are having issues with sex.

Strange. My shrink doesn’t talk about stuff with me. He just asks how I’m doing and prescribes my meds. No muss no fuss. Just like the state has no business prying into the bedrooms of the nation neither does your shrink. Get another one. This one is weird.

I mean, unless you told this man that you had some sorts of symptoms revolving around specific types of porn, asking such things is inappropriate regardless of whether or not you “started it.” I vote get a new pdoc.

I’ve been asked about this by current psychiatrist, actually. When I asked why this was a concern, she said that porn addiction is becoming a problem, especially with males. Certain types of pr0n are also predictors for particular at risk behaviors as well. I actually found that interesting.

I have no use for watching people having sex or playing sports. Both are fun to do yourself, but boring to watch others do instead.

I don’t talk with pdoc about sexual side effects or about porn. I would not answer if asked.

That would make me so uncomfortable. I don’t see the point from an assessment and treatment point of view.

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