My new diet regimen OMAD (5 days in)

I started a one meal a day plan - 22 - 23 hour fast 90 - 120 minute eating window
i have been having
1oz of cheese, bowl of veg soup with beans or pulses, a hunk of wholemeal sourdough bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar
at 4pm

then at 4.30 a fresh piece of fruit and a large teaspoon pickle or miso soup

5pm i eat with my husband he has some meat based
at 5 i have the main part of my meal - a 2 part small bowl deal of either bircher muesli with nuts, seeds, fruit, soya yoghurt,

or an avocado with dates and chilli whizzed up

or a 2 bowl rice or beans or chick pea stew thing

after i have a fruit and sugar / honey based pudding - has to be home made - has to be based on fruit.

apple sauce and home made soya ice-cream or something

then at 5.30 or 6 i have 2 squares of dark chocolate and fast for 22 - 23h

lost 3 lbs so far

majority of stuff home made and following the principle of one ingredient cooking

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I’m gonna blog it here a bit instead of the mad food vlogging on you tube which i can’t get enough of
Day 6
gone plant based other than 1oz cheese per day and other than honey… or sometimes leather and maybe fish and chips once a month
all food between 4o’clock and 5.30 - 6.00pm 1.5 - 2h eating window

IT can be difficult
not really seeing huge results weight wise but peace in my head is almost complete with the close following of strict rules which can be broken in the smallest of ways
between meals i have lemon water, apple cider vinegar in water one or 2 sugar free mints a day and i cook a lot so i need to lick for taste… all that adds up to say 5 x creamer in tea in total if you include all of it
i need to lay out everything and second guess cravings - really need to spend a half hour just arranging the quantities and mixtures of stuff
it works better if i have this much time and lay it all out in tiny bowls and cups
i will remember to second guess my cravings
i am regretting a 2 bites of flapjack which wasn’t intended
but i heard something the other day - don’t break the spell

i want to really follow this plan

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