My mornings are hellish. I hope the fish oil I ordered helps

It’s been a few hours since I woke up. I feel like I’m in my own private version of hell.

The fish oil I’ve ordered is on it’s way. The crap thing is it takes 3 months to work (if it works at all).

I’ve tried everything to make my mornings less hellish and nothing so far seems to have worked.

Things get better as the day goes on ususally though.

Dude that lubes the brain .! I don’t think it helps with hellish mornings but can’t hurt. I find a magia V helps more . me I take them both and get up at 5 so as I have time to work out any bad cloudy thought first. And never go to sleep mad or upset. Talk out things that bothered you.


Thanks DrZen. !

I’m sorry to hear that - what’s going on in your mornings?

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I wish I knew. It just feels like the worlds worst hangover. Deep down I feel that I fried my brain so badly during my first psychosis that this is the result.

Do you wake up naturally or by an alarm? I hope you feel better soon.

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Hope you feel better soon too @everhopeful.

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By alarm. But it doesn’t make any difference. I’m just hoping the fish oil will make a difference. Gotta have something to hope for. :joy: Thanks chordy.

sorry your mornings are bad, idk what to say except maybe talk to your Dr about it if you havent already, hope you can find a cure

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I was told that if you have to wake up by alarm, it might mean you’re not getting enough sleep. If you wake up naturally, you’re sure you did get enough sleep.

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Oh man that sucks. Could you maybe be getting dehydrated overnight?

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I don’t think it’s caused by dehydration. I drink enough during the day. Also last night a few hours before bed I had a litre of some unopened fizzy fruit juice stuff that was left over from Christmas.

It just seems to be part and parcel of the disease for me. Unfortunately.

I swear by fish oil. I have seen about 10 pdocs in the past 12 years long story but the place I go to has a high turnover. I cant tell you how mad I am that not one of them ever said anything about taking fish oil. I only started taking it a little over a year ago with hopes that it would help my heart and my blood pressure. It ended up helping my brain instead. Hope it works for you.


For motivation take DMG, Effects last whole day.

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I just had another thought, which might seem out there but it’s possible. Do you have allergies?

I have allergies but I don’t necessarily get the typical reaction (runny nose, red eyes, that sort of thing)

My allergies include dust mites and mold. Which back when I was sleeping on a gross old mattress meant I felt like :poop: all the time but especially in the morning.

If you feel like that’s within the realm of possibility, you can test the hypothesis with a new pillow and anti-allergy mattress cover, you don’t have to buy a new mattress.

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Thanks very much for the suggestions. I don’t feel that it’s an allergy. It could be morning depression though :

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