Is there anything for damage from psychosis. Help me out. Give me your advise if you have any please

I take 5 mushroom blend and vitamin E and omega 3

I’ve heard of electroacupuncture.

What the hell can be done? I just have some damage. Beside getting on to Abilify which I am going to do. I will still have some damage after that. I know it.

I was with harmeet tonight. And my brain is so annoying. Its more than annoying. I can’t function because of some brain damage. Only partial functioning

What about glutamate ?

Anything guys tell me what to try.

Help me out with supplements? What can help?

Reading can work and exersize yes I understand that. That I try to do. But there has got to be some other tricks

Neurofeedback. I’m going to do that. Sure. I’ll do it
I’m going to do it.

Go to the brain injury centre. I’ll make the call Tuesday

But what am I missing. Give me some tips if you have any? Help me out. What do we do?

Apigenin and lithium are said to be some of the most potent supplements to repair and create new neurons in the brain.

However lithium should be used carefully as it could interact with AP. I’m talking about supplemental lithium orotate, not lithium carbonate that can damadge the liver. I take 1mg lithium orotate every second day which is a very careful dose. I would start with that and see how you react.

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I am taking fish oil supplements that are higher in DHA than EPA. From what I heard the brain is composed of DHA. Also have to try to find ones that say they’re pure of mercury and other contaminants that can be in fish oil the most purified ones.

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Thank you @Mr_Hope excellent thankyou. I’m desperate as you can tell. My brain damage is really bothering me. Thank you so much. I’m on it. You really are Mr hope lol

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@Dude1 yes I take fish oil high in DHA. I will look for ones that are purified of mercury. I once saw a infomercial that sold the stuff you are talking about a long time ago. Maybe I can find it now. It should be more available now.

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Thanks @Dude1 I’m on it

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I’m on it. That’s just an an old school term. I’m not on them yet. Lol

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I had concentration problem and I just follow a strict balanced diet and exercise , meditated a bit too

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I have a neurological disease and has had 3 MRAs so far, and the brain showed no structural damage.

However, when I read the reports of my brain waves taken nearly 7 years ago, they showed deficiencies.

To be honest, some people with sz do not have structural brain damage. Usually taking medications and involving yourself in community (while being proactive in therapy) help.

I haven’t had an MRI or been tested yet. But I am going to look into now. I remember the psychosis that cause this damage. It was brain damaging psychosis. For real. I can’t believe that happened. I have to deal with it everyday

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