My mom made it threw

just wanted to thank everyone for their support during the past few weeks

my mom is home with no answers

they couldnt find a bleed but they did find 8 polups which they burned most of them and clipped 2 of them cause they were so large

one had to have staples placed to get it to stop bleeding

so they sent her home and said they will be in touch in about 2 weeks which i think is ridiculous because she is gonna continue to bleed during this time

i hate doctors


I’m glad to hear it @yoda123


Seems the situation is not resolved…

How do you feel about it?
Are you only one taking care of mom?

i am bulls##t about it @anon55239608

its like they dont want to be bothered

my brother and sister live out of state but come up if i or my mom need something

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I saw you made another thread…
I used to take care of my mom when she had cancer…
Do you have help line to talk to someone?

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I’m glad they found the polyps.

That’s a good thought. Do you want the crisis lines @yoda123 ?

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@anon55239608 i have my treatment team pager 24/7
its tricky though cause i call the pager then they call back

so my mom will want to know why im calling them and not talking to her

i helped my dad and grandmother both during their last time so i know how to and will be able to help her

but i have to help myself first and its killing me that i have to leave her

i just thought of some thing i can call the worm line but im Leary cause they may call the cops on me

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I think you just need to calm for a day…
If you are alowed to take prn meds, maybe it would help

@Bowens no ty i have the hotlines and my treatment pager but ty

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I hope this all gets resolved soon. I feel bad for how stressed you are. Anyone would be.

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@anon55239608 @Bowens @LilyoftheValley @HollyHobby ty im going to try a shower to calm down i will be back in an hour or so ty again


@anon55239608 i meant to say im sorry about your mom

i cared for my dad and grandma and now my mom when they were sick so i understand what you must of went threw caring for your mom

i hope you had help and know she appreciates all you did and is in peace now
ty again for last night

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Thank you friend…

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