Hospital sorry talking about it again

i have no one irl to talk to about the hospital

i cant talk to my treatment team cause they want me in the hospital

i told my pdoc today to give me a week

i have a mammogram tomorrow and my mom goes in for testing friday

they are probably going to keep her

i kind of hope they do keep her and find out what is causing the bleeding so she doest have to keep going threw this its the second time


No need to apologize. It’s something thats on your mind. Wishing everything goes well for you and your mom.


@Bowens ty for your support


I hope you two feel better soon


ty @LilyoftheValley i hope so


I hope they find out what’s going on with your mom too. This has to be hard because you both need hospital services.

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ty @HollyHobby i hope so too
i cant imagine living with out her
very trying times with two sick people at the same time

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