My mom has signs breast cancer

I’m shocked and don’t know what to say they gotta do more testing

Good luck. I just caught a small bit of a news story this morning about a new drug for breast cancer.

There has been a lot of money sunk into that particular form of cancer and they seem to be making strides.


I hope everything will be ok. I know how much of a shock this must be.

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Thanks Bowens I wish I was a better son I didn’t clean up like I should I was sometimes rude she’s getting a biopsy I’m worried

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sorry to hear wishes

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I don’t wanna lose my mom idk how I’ll live however cancer sometimes is curable

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Oh, no, that’s not good…

Don’t panic too much… she still has testing that needs done.

But I understand the worry. Idk what I’d do if something happened to my mom

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With treatment and medication I think it could be curable


I always tried to be a good person especially to my mom and family even my one uncle who’s mean to me and thinks he’s helping when infact he’s not she might not have cancer I’m still worried and rightfully so

Im hoping its not serious idk exactly what i biopsy is but it seems serious

They remove a piece of the lump to test to see if it’s cancerous. Many lumps are not cancerous and are not harmful. I’m glad she is getting tested. It’s always a concern. Best of luck and keep us posted.


Thanks I hope nothing is wrong with my mom I’m still worried and I hope it’s not cancer I never was a “perfect person” me and my mom argued a lot about how clean the house was it’s not hopeless tho breast cancer is treatable especially if it’s stage 1 your chances are almost :100: survival rate

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Hopefully, whatever they found is benign and she’s ok.


I just wish I realized how amazing my mom is at a earlier age I never cleaned the house “perfectly” idk I made mistakes but I was a good kid

My mom just said that i should think positive idk if I can

I know it’s not easy @AwesomeFisherman but try not to worry so much

It may not be cancer and even if it is it can be treated effectively


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