My mom is visiting me this week

She’ll be very busy all week visiting other friends and family but is staying at my house and using my car.

We have a very rough history but we get along now. She was mean and started leaving me home alone for days at a time at 10, weeks at a time by about 12, and abandoned me altogether when I was 16. She moved to Florida and left me in Michigan. I was emancipated. Worked, went to school, and lived alone at 16. I will say she did let me pay rent and stay at her house in Michigan and she bought me a used Toyota to get to school and work. But still.

Anyway, she’s a very different person now. I’ve forgiven her mostly. I’m still hurt by it, but I don’t think i harbor anymore bitterness unless it’s buried deep and I’m not aware of it. But I do love my mom.


It seems like you’ve found peace with your past and finally letting go of the resentment a bit. Thats really positive @LilyoftheValley it is difficult carrying pain from trauma. I am trying to let go so i know what its like
Wishing you good things!


Thanks @anon29983254 . I hope you find the peace you’re looking for


You are really strong for forgiving you mom for all things she did to you, hopefully she treat you better in the future. :sneezing_face:


Thanks @Airparticle . When I was around 30, she called me and while we were talking she admitted she was a terrible mom to me and cried. She didn’t actually say she was sorry, but I accepted her words and tears as a genuine apology. That’s when I started to forgive her.


First step to fix a broken relationship is to admit you were wrong, and your mom did that. So hopefully you and your mom can start to have beautiful relationship moving forward. :sneezing_face: :sneezing_face: :sneezing_face:


Where was your dad through all of this?

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My dad was an extreme abuser who lost all rights when I was 10. I talk to him too now but only about three times a year - Christmas, his birthday, and Father’s Day. He also changed and is sober but he’s still very hard headed and not the nicest guy still. But he’s not abusing his wife and he tries to get to know me. No apologies though.


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