My mom is trying to kill me

How to get out of the house? I locked myself in the bathroom because I’m very scared…

guessing you’re probably dead by now but maybe you should call the police.

I don’t want to call the police anymore
Last time I did they sdmitted me to a psych ward!

probably with good reason.

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We don´t know the logistics of your house… Can you provide us with a map or something?

Don’t have a map :confused:

No there wasn’t any good reason

if your mother really is trying to kill you, how is the psych ward a worse thing?


Well i don’t belong in the psych ward that’s why

why is your mother trying to kill you, and why has it taken 23 minutes?

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Because I locked myself in the bathroom so she can’t come in

And she wants to kill me because she disliked me

this is most likely a fantasy.

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why would anyone have a fantasy like that

I don’t wish to be killed :frowning:

it’s not real, it’s in your head, you’re sick, it’s really hard to accept right now, but you will be okay.

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But I don’t have psychosis as of now
Just mild paranoia

people that have psychosis don’t know they have psychosis, that’s why it’s such a difficult thing to treat

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But why would I have psychosis?? I’m confusion

because you’re very unwell.

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Then you should go to the doctor, now. The threshold is that you cannot live a normal life.

I guess locking yourself in the bathroom isn´t living a normal life…

I can’t go to the doctor now :frowning: