My mom is sick and I'm trying

To get her help to get a colonoscopy. She has no insurance. They said she can pay 200 dollars down and pay the rest of it monthly til paid off. She better not back put the lady told me. Mf is Leary no I don’t care but

I’m not going to let her die over a goddam doctor that just doesn’t care. She’s been sick four years.


I’m sorry @roxanna.
Hope she feels better soon.

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yeah, i hope you get the help for her, its not fair, over here it would be looked at straight away and dealt with, we all got to look out for our parents :slight_smile: after all they did for it for us


I’m so sorry. It isn’t fair that she is having so much trouble getting access to lifesaving medical care.

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I can’t sit back and watch these people screw my mother the money she put on the system ■■■■■ over people . I’m going to walk it over if she goes I will be the meanest ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ for miles.

I’m no letting it happen. Fools. Cunts

I’m sorry I go overboard. I don’t know if it’s an only child thing.

Really sorry for that
Hope she got better very soon

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It’s not just this I’m wrong I’m going to pass out now

Sorry you and her are going through this. It isn’t fair she has to wait.

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Good wishes to you and your mum.:two_hearts:

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