My mom's probably going to pass away

She needs to get a colonoscopy might have Ibs she’s trying to get Medicare/Medicaid.she works two jobs.shes down to just under sixty pounds. I feel hopeless. And so does she.


IbS irritable bowel syndrome ?

Yes. These ■■■■■■■ don’t want to help. She been to both hospitals you know why bother.

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IbS symptoms are uncomfortable yes but I wasn’t aware life threatening :flushed:


Is Ibs life threatening? I didn’t know that.

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No no no colon the colon I don’t know why the hell she’s dropped so much weight. She’s sick all the time and the ■■■■■■■ dont want to ■■■■ unless you have insurance goddam it.

Sorry I don’t mean to cuss at anyone.

@roxanna. I’m sorry your mom is not feeling well and losing so much weight. Have they done other tests such as a CT scan of her abdomen?


Yeah they didn’t find anything so they say.then they said she needs a colonoscopy. I don’t know where they got lbs then.


Hey @roxanna . I know where your coming from!

I rely on my mum and dad. Mum is in some treatment for some serious melanoma. It’s complications get more rapid and more threatening but she’s hanging on!

I don’t want to lose her. It would be a major adjustment to all our lives and I can relate.

Your mum is under treatment so hang in there and hope for the best. It’s all you can do. Encourage her to rest and to meet her appointments and just be there for her! Its all you can do!


Maybe we can swap mothers! Mines a controlling miserable cow - whom ive been waiting to snuff it for the past couple of years, but the bitch keeps going. Needless to say i wont be attending my “mothers” funeral. I hope she rots.

Ooops that was rude :frowning_face:

Sorry - im in a crappy mood. Probably shouldnt have posted that - somehow it struck a nerve with my poor relationship with my mother. Ill shut up now. :frowning:


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