My mind is trying to make me think I died long ago

It’s really bugging me

My mind is overactive and thinking for things to be as they are that I must be in purgatory

Kinda like Bruce Willis not knowing he was dead

There are articles of my old case managers doing what they did to me but except the case states the patient topped themselves

Don’t understand how close the report was all except the ultimate end

But I think did I really die back then?

Or even when my drink was spiked and I died and thought I came back. Or did I

Not sure I can talk to my health workers as they will get freaked out and if the above is true they won’t help me as I have to work this out myself like a big secret out in the open

Feel like I am being tested constantly and I ■■■■■■■ hate this


I’ve had the same thoughts years ago.

I got in a really bad ATV accident in High School. When I went through derealization & depersonalization, id think to myself “Maybe I actually died in that ATV accident. I’m in the afterlife”

Freaked me out. I dont think that anymore.


During one stay on the Psyche Ward I met a 21 year old guy who drove his car into an oncoming truck to try and kill himself.

I told him you’re 21. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Why did you do such a thing??

The guy responded, “I got tired of people telling me I’ve got my whole life ahead of me.”

(DOH! :grimacing:)


I have the same thing going on lately and chronically. Only thing that helps me is trying to remain tethered by sensory input


I also get these thoughts @Joker

With me it can be either I’m dead. Or I slipped into an alternate parallel universe time-line.

Yeahhhhh it’s a rabbit hole and I hate going down it.

I hope you feel better soon.


I had a really close call hours before I was involuntary hospitalised for the first time.

I still haven’t 100% accepted that I didn’t in fact die.


It’s probably common with schizophrenia. I thought I had past lives and lived in parallel universes. It felt like an infinite time loop, reincarnation, quantum immortality, and Boltzmann Brains. I felt like a brain in a vat or that I lived in the matrix. It’s psychosis but it felt real, I guess.

I get anxiety when looking at my childhood photos like they weren’t real or never happened. I feel like my life started around 2011 when I got sick and I’ve been experiencing quantum immortality and jumping timelines going forward and backward in time via my soul or consciousness.

It’s schizophrenia, but it felt real and schizophrenia distorts reality. It can make one question things more and think weird things. It feels like cloning sometimes or a new personality with a different set of memories. It definitely affected my soul.

I thought about aliens and God and physics, basically.

I don’t think this is base reality, my first existence, or my last. It doesn’t really make any sense. I thought I was special and that I could ‘access these memories’ and was ‘psychic’. They are negative and pointless. I’ve been feeling better recently.


make sure you tell your pdoc about this…this is dangerous thinking.


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