This is my beloved dog.
My favorite dog I gave up for adoption in 2016 before I was involuntarily committed.
I miss him so much!
I raised him and trained him since a puppy.
He was such a good dog.
Why did you give him up? You were already having symptoms?
Yes sadly I was out of my head with delusions and I thought he was being tortured, so in order to save him I gave him up for adoption.
I am thankful that a nice couple with a kid on the way adopted him right away.
But I was heartbroken for the longest time.
I really loved that dog.
Sorry you lost your love.
Do you have their contact info? Can you visit?
That is so sad. I’m so sorry.
He is stunning. Very sad story Wave.
Thank you @Leaf @agent101g @PinCushion @LilyoftheValley and @Sarah
No I can’t visit him in his new home @agent101g
The animal shelter doesn’t accept this, besides I would be heartbroken.
I am sorry you lost the love of your life. (hug) It’s good that you have at least this picture (maybe more?) to look at and remember him.
Yeah I have some more pics of him even with my Mother who passed away in 2019.
Thanks @Blossom
I’m so sorry @Wave . 15151515
Thanks @SkinnyMe
Your dog looks really cute! I still miss my 3 Bernese mountain dogs who have passed away. Currently, I live in an apartment so I don’t think the timing is right for a new dog.
I’m thinking about getting another dog but this time I’m getting an older male from the shelter.
My last dog was a lab puppy who was very sick.
No more puppies for me.
I may get one after I go on vacation soon.
Sounds like your heart has healed enough to understand your own truth @Wave. Mission accomplished.
Hang out at the shelter as often as you are able to. The dogs there need all the love you can give. Let the universe provide for you and guide you and soon you’ll be playing fetch.
My neighbor does this. She adopts senior dogs, then gives them a good few months before they pass. She’s had 5 dogs since we moved in. Keep in mind that older dogs also have lots of health problems. Mine needs special food, has accidents sometimes, and needs his medicine twice a day. Some dogs need insulin injections, or special baths, or other such things. There are no low maintenance dogs. And then you have to deal with the grief of losing your dog.
It did seem, this time, like getting a dog was a direct trigger for the increased symptoms you are still dealing with. I sort of wonder if maybe you would be better off volunteering at the shelter part time. That way you could play with the dogs, care for them, and bond with them, but still go home at night and be able to sleep, assured that someone else will care for the dogs when you aren’t able.
I can see why your old pupper was the love of your life. Those eyes are magnetic. Sorry that you had to give up your furbaby.
Whether you decide to adopt an older shelter dog or simply volunteer at a shelter I think dogs are great companions.
No if I do decide to adopt, it wouldn’t be a senior dog but maybe a dog 3 to 4 years old, preferably house broken already.
I haven’t made up my mind yet.
But yeah thanks @Ninjastar
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