I'm Heartbroken

I will be moving out of my fathers house soon and into either a group home or shared apartment through the charity.
I have made the very tough decision to surrender my dog (best friend) to a no kill shelter.
Where I am going they don’t allow pets.
I am heartbroken but I know that a good family will hopefully adopt him.

He has already been exposed to some intense psychological abuse at the hands of my father.
When I came back from the hospital my dog has been acting more reserved and seems confused.

I really will miss him but it’s for the best.


I’m really sorry you have had to surrender your dog @Wave. He would have felt like the perfect companion and ally in the horrible situation you were living in. It’s such a shame you can’t take him with you.

I’m really sorry @Wave.


New beginnings…

Tough situation with your chummy friend. But I have a feeling your life has just been kick started and better days lie ahead! :sunny:

Will the Pet Agency notify you when the dog becomes adopted?


well, at least it’s a no kill shelter…we had to give our yorkie up for adoption when I divorced and I grieve losing him to this day. I hope you can get over it.


he will be good with other dog buddies @Wave. I know its hard but now you need to take care of yourself. As you did with your dog.


I’m sorry you have to give up your dog. I hope he ends up in a good home.

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Thats rough, I’m sorry.

Animals (dogs especially) just need a little love, food and water and they’re are happiest creatures on the planet, hopefully he gets all that and more. It is for the best.


I’m so sorry. I’m glad to hear you’re both getting away from your father though. It will be a better life for both of you.


I’m so sorry Wave :slight_frown:


im sorry about your dog, he will hopefully get some therapy just like you will xxxx
hugs to you xxxx


Sorry you have to go through this, I hope it all works out for the both of you in the end.


You’ve been through so much lately. I’m sorry you have to do this. It’s not fair. :disappointed:


Sorry for what you have to pass through. :heart:

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That’s heartbreaking, @Wave. Portions of our journeys just suck, even when we make the right choices and are headed in a good direction. Your dog has his own journey and I’m sure he’ll miss you but will have new beginnings of his own.
I wish you the very best! Hoping for much happiness for you :heart:


Thank you Hedgehog.
To be honest I don’t know if I can make it anymore.
Both my father and brother are abusive towards me.
They are not supportive and like typical Narcissists lack Empathy.

I think they plan on abandoning me and disheriting me in this group charity.

To be honest, my dog was my best friend.
I am seriously considering suicide.
I am losing my inner strength.
I have no one - no family no friends no support of any kind.
i don’t know I really want to die.

@Wave please don’t hurt yourself…please tell someone you are feeling this way even if it is a crisis line…?


That’s not true, you have all of us.
Maybe time to call your new case manager?


Don’t do anything rash, @Wave

Call a Crisis Hotline if need be.You’re an intelligent and thoughtful person. Stay with us. We all respect you and are hoping this new transition in your life will work out for the best! :sunny:


Call your case manager. Part of their job is to give you moral support too. Maybe the shelter will let you visit your dog sometimes. Or maybe you can volunteer there. A lot of shelters ask for volunteers to take dogs out on walks during the day.


@Wave I’m sorry you’re feeling so down. Can you contact your pdoc or your case manager and let them know how you’re feeling? Or go to the ER if you think you might harm yourself.

I’m sure things will get better soon. Remember your plans to work with your case manager to find a new place to live. Just be a little patient and thinks will work out.