more ice mr. bunny.
take care
hang in there bro, get well soon
What do you have? Good wishes,
flu…fever…barking cough…no sleep for three days…and thats just what the white fluffy bunny has !?!
take care
I don’t get sick often.
I have had the flu. First, I was seriously afraid I would die. Then, I was more or less afraid I wouldn’t die!
Of course, I’m back to baseline at present, and maybe just a tad cooler because I haven’t smoked in like five weeks.
get well soon sith xxx
Or paracetamol.
It is normal for people to get sick. This is phenomenon of our lives.
Please have more rest.
What else can you do except ride it out and it will get better.? Plenty of fluids I think. Good luck darksith.
Take a good rest and some medication for flu if there is any. And some vitamin C.
Take care, darksith.
Too bad you couldn’t get to the doc in the initial few days. They could’ve given you Tamiflu. It shortens the duration of the flu.
But since you’ve got it, you can just ride it out. Plenty of fluids, rest, and Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever. You might also benefit from a cough suppressant/expectorant such as Mucinex DM.
Get well my friend!
I’m sorry to hear that your under the weather. Glad Bunny is there to help out. I do hope you feel better soon. I do hope you can get a good nap or night sleep in. That will help a lot.
Please take care of yourself @darksith I hope you feel better soon!
Get well soon!
Chicken soup ( homemade if possible! ) hot tea, toast, oranges, ice cream…
Fever? There is a cure, more cowbell.