My high school taught "abstinence awareness" instead of sex education. We had one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the states

I graduated with a girl that had three children.

Our only sex education consisted of slideshows of diseased genitals and the message that women should be virgins when married.

This was public school.

In rural Georgia.

What was your sex education like in school and how did it impact your student body?

I remember my first “sex education” class was actually at Christian school in 7th grade.

They separated the girls and boys.

Boys were told masturbation was sinful.

Girls were given razors and told period blood stinks and to take frequent showers.

I’m offended just remembering it.

Oy vey.

What was your experience?


In 5th grade it was mostly “you’re gonna start your period and you need to start wearing deodorant”

In 6th grade we went over the anatomy of male and female body parts.

Then we didn’t have another “sex education” class until like 12th grade… which went over safe sex practices and child birth. By that point though it was too late for a decent amount of girls. I remember there being probably 15 girls (not all at once) that were pregnant at some point in my 4 years of high school… not just in my class, but I went to a very small school… probably 30 in each graduating class.


Sex education was none existent. I went to a boys catholic school from 1992 to 1998. I dont remember teenage pregnancy being a problem.

When I Google “teenage pregnancies in Trinidad” this is the first result

Sex education a must - According to the Central Statistical Office, in the year 2000 teenage girls gave birth to 2,638 children, representing 15 per cent of all live births in Trinidad and Tobago, In 2013 the rate was 14.7 per cent. Pregnancy in adolescence places an insurmountable barrier in the young woman’s path to competent adulthood.

Well I remember watching a video that showed a penis ejaculating. That was when I was 13.

Before that in six grade it was anatomy which provoked a lot of laughs.

No women in my class ever got pregnant though. I had about 19 people in my graduating class. Too many dumbasses dropped out.

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I dont remember anything about sex ed in highschool.

I wasnt allowed to date until grade 10 or 11. So that was a little different.

Then i went wild after high school :laughing:

The repressive style does not work lol


Ahhhh, memories :sweat_smile:.

Mine was also like that, @anon61987434. I think they gave us like one free pad and a mini deodorant as well— probs Teen Spirit :sweat_smile:.

In 7th grade, the classes were co-ed, and the only thing I truly remember was watching a video of a live birth and seeing a baby pop out the birthing canal.

Freshman year of high school, classes were back to girls-only. I vaguely remember my old gym teacher mentioning condoms, and having to draw and label a diagram of a vagina… Maybe the clitoris was like extra credit or something :rofl:.

BTW, I grew up in the Midwest and attended public schools.

To give you an idea of the climate there, several parents protested the high school Biology curriculum because it taught evolution. Some students also formed a Gay-Straight Alliance Club at school, and parents lost their gatdamn shiit.

…Those Westboro Baptist freaks even showed up to protest the club… All 5 of them :sweat_smile:.


Omg, exactly lol

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In 5th grade public school I was taught everything. Anatomy, periods, deodorant, sex, oral sex, and forms of birth control


I missed mine cos I moved schools, but I’m sure it was neutral, modern and informative. Only 15 years ago.

Here in Ontario, Canada in grade 8 (1991) then went into great detail.

Uterus, fallopian tubes, testicles, vas deferens, eggs, sperm, penis, vagina…the whole 9 yards.

Only one of my friends ended up with a baby daughter while I was in school.


We had videos of people having sex. Putting condoms on fingers. A group conversation etc.

This was in Belgium.


Good Lord, that sounds terrible.

My high school took the “Abstinence is the only real birth control!!” stance, as well. They also showed diseased genitals as a way to deter us from having sex. We had quite a few teen moms, but probably still less than your school, by the way you described it.

My parents were the same, they thought that if they just never gave me a real sex talk, that I just wouldn’t have sex. Idiots. I mean, I love my parents… but seriously??


I think it was mostly covered in a class called “health class” in junior high for me. It was fairly well informative from what I remember. It covered sex education and other things as well.

Not like @Charles_Foster 's at all.

I think we were actually given condoms…

I think it was another class in junior high, but I actually remember practicing putting condoms on. I think we used bananas? Long time ago, but I think so.


In Junior High we had a health class and part of that was sex ed. It was comprehensive. There was only one pregnancy in my High School that I’m aware of that was brought to term. I’m certain there were abortions. Many of my classmates had children at 18 or 19.


Two chapters in science book in 10th grade. That’s all. :joy::joy: Looking back I realize how pathetic it was and still is at large. No education on how to take care of genitals. Possible health problems associated with those non-STD. Diseased genitals pictures could be counterproductive in my opinion. Similar to oral cancer pics on cigarette packs.

Most Indians think sex bad. Idiots seem oblivious to how we crossed 1 billion.

Private/central education board schools might in better state.

Recently there was a contraception awareness campaign in my state. Demonstration kit got heavy backlash by right wing mostly Hindu political groups as it allegedly had a dildo. It was a plastic model of penis to show how to use a condom. And obviously model of vagina met no backlash.

Sex is still a taboo topic in here. No matter how progressive art and literature of glorious past looks.


What you think about, you bring about.

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I think sex education was good when I was younger. It wasn’t just confined to the classroom.

Every Sunday evening this show was on TV.

A little old grandma getting real about sex. People would call in with their questions. I believe it was broadcasted across the country. She taught me a trick to eating p*ssy and my gf at the time loved it.

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