When I had my breakdown, the social worker scolded my mother for neglecting my sex education. It wasn’t offered in schools then, either. And it’s true, I was very confused on the subject and suffered not knowing about being a girl. But it’s never too late to learn. I can relax and know, now.
You had a horrible childhood evidently.
I don’t think it’s the school’s responsibility to teach children sex education. I think that’s the parents’. Of course if you’re a foster child or orphan then who is there to teach you? I think the schools should require a parent’s permission to teach their child sex ed. I know when I was in high school they taught it in biology class and never required my dad’s signature.
Physically, I had a good childhood. Mentally, it was horrible.
A lot of people feel as you do, that sex education is personal and is a parent’s job. I would have been embarrassed if it had been taught in school but it might have been better than the pee panic I felt not knowing anything.
I think the doctor was inappropriate. He should have kept it about the facts and not his opinion.
He was very old. I think he was already retired. It was probably difficult for him too since sex education was a new thing in schools at the time
My step cousin told me that his doctor advised him to masturbate on the regular. Idk if he was just saying that or it was true. This after I caught him jacking off in my sister’s room when I was paying him to gut my bathroom.
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