My father and stepmother just fought bad

Things seem to have cooled down. I don’t think I’ll have to leave anytime soon but it’s not good.
Was a harrowing day.
And I need to be secure. I’m not.


I said f u to my father :eyes:

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Shelters aren’t bad. I’ve stayed in one before.

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So have I
I stayed in shelters in NYC for over half a year

Being independent from your parents would do you very good. Look the positive side. As the years go by you will realize that living with your parents is negative in itself, at 31 years old I hate living with my parents xD.


Yeah I agree with you.


It’s true. I left home at 18. Pretty much have lived on my own since. Except I lived with my dad briefly during my pregnancy and after I birthed my daughter. I couldn’t live with my dad now. He yells too much. Just gets mad over stupid stuff.

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This is exactly what happens to me with my mother. She screams too much XD

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I’m sorry. Hopefully you have time to find a decent living arrangement you can afford


Hope things cool off man. Having insecure shelter is horrible. I hope you can get a place so you don’t have to worry about them asking you to leave in the future.

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Yeah I need to do sh it for my livelihood

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I am just confused after watching this.
Should I stay or leave.
Even if I have a job I need to take care of them don’t I.
Or is it just crowd rule.

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Just want you to know you’re doing a great job despite what people may tell you man. You’re a good dude and a hard worker. Things will look up soon!


I just moved out for the same reason. My mom and step dad were getting angry with me staying with them so I moved out.

Gotta admit, living on your own kicks butt.


Thanks photoguy!!!


Would you be able to get support with housing?

Sorry to hear it’s going down at your place. I would also want to move out

I don’t know what I’m going to do yet


Habitat for Humanity has a waiting list but you might look into it.

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I just contacted them for an interview


Nice. My aunt and I did some volunteer work for them some 20 years ago.