My parents are arguing again

Can’t wait to get away from this one day.

It drives me mad. Tbh

Do your parents argue a lot.

Especially my mum is very negative. She is very depressed

Sometimes I think she regrets having so many kids. But idk.

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My parents never had a good relationship and now they’re going through a messy divorce.

I hope you can get away ASAP. It sucks when a toxic (or at least volatile) relationship hurts those in close proximity to it.

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That’s annoying it’s messy but at least they are separating. That’s for the best I suppose.

Thank you Antidepressant :slight_smile:

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My parents were so bad I had to move out.

Part of the problem is neither one of them can hear chit, so they end up screaming at each other.

I’m sorry you have to go through that.


That’s great that you moved out. I think it can really wear someone down to an extent at least.

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Yes they are always arguing about something…but it’s a friendly argument. It s exausting ear them anyway…


They used to scream at each other every day. They would break stuff and slam doors and scream for hours. One time my mom pushed my dad down the stairs. They used to scream at us all the time, too. I’m glad they got divorced and moving out when I was 18 was the best thing I ever did.


My parents do this too @anon90843118, they seem pretty happy doing it too. I don’t know how they do it, confrontation is super stressful for me.

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Oh… My mum seems to feel comfortable doing it but I can tell it effing stresses out my dad…

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I’m so sorry, that sounds super stressful.
My parents could see themselves going down a
negative path, so they decided to split up before they could reach a point where their frustrations would start to show.

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Thanks Miika, yea it’s really annoying.

Glad your parents made some good choices before it would have affected you guys aswell

My sister resented my mother for leaving my dad instead of “staying together for the kids”, but I don’t believe in that crap.
It’s unhealthy for children to grow up in an unhappy home.


So true.


My parents are very good, they have reasonably good self control and the relationship between them
is awesome. My dad is a big shot.


Mine argued plenty too

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My parents used to argue a lot when I was younger… then my mom left. She passed in 2011…

I hope you find some peace from it… I used to escape by writing

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Sorry about your mum @anon63380492 I hope that you have kind of come to terms with it

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Thank you @anon90843118 . She is in a better place… I miss her a lot some days.

I hope things get better with you and your mom.

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From when I was about 8 I can remember my parents arguing a lot. I’d often be blamed for that . I wasn’t the ideal son, but even so…

Neither wanted to be dominated by the other . My father’s father had been henpecked by his wife. My mother’s father had gone to do war work in the North of England and was having an affair there. My mother was 7. He came back when my mother was 15 , and she told him to get lost. It was not the best background for marital harmony.

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