My family members say

My family members say it is my fault they don’t treat me well.


Do you believe them?

Sounds like a toxic environment. Why stay?

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hi jayster. they have their own mental issues believe me or they would be nice to you.

i hope you find real life friends beyond cyber space friends that can support you and you maybe support them in return.

sz is so hard on us all. we cannot help but need support.

hugs to you, judy

:slight_frown: Sorry Jayster. I agree with Dreamscape, some distance would probably be best for you.

the first thing my dad did when he heard was go to the library and looked it up. he supported me 100% and tried to get me the best care when i needed it, he even fought for me, my mum didnt understand but she has her own problems and i think she understands a bit better now now that she has anxiety issues.

sorry your folks are not as understanding as some

I wish my parents were as understanding as yours.