My eating is out of control. Today. Trigger warning. Food issues

I ate a whole bag or fizzy haribos
I ate a medium bag of cola haribos
I had 750 ml coke
4 Kfc pieces
2 pastries
Bubblegum pack
Pack of nut mnms
And now it’s 9pm I want to order something to my home :dizzy_face::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

It’s like I go into a deep food trance and I don’t know how to stop.

Can anyone relate and share a similar, typical days worth of food.

I told this to a friend and they said that I’m going to die like this.


Yes, I’ve done that before. I just returned to a normal way of eating after that. It’ll be OK if you do that too.

Edit: I meant it’ll be OK if you return to normal way of eating after that.


Thankyou Springrose. I’m worried I do it too often. But I’ll listen to your advice and return to moderation tomorrow

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I used to do this at night…. Just go into a total food binge. It’s like my brain shut off.

I do this with online shopping too sometimes


Lol what meds are you on?

Today I ate 2 cold meat sandwichs with chips

A lot of icecream

And I’m having nachos for dinner :yum:

When I pig out it’s usually ice cream or brownies lol I can eat like 4 brownies at a time and a half tube of ice cream


Abilify is known for impulse control issues. I believe it! That’s the antipsychotic I’m on. Need to chill out though because the amount of sugar I’ve had today is crazy.


Just walk outside and start dancing with the first person you see lol


How were you eating in days prior, very healthfully no?

That happens to me when i eat low carbs fat and salt etc for a pwhile I will binge after.


It happens to me regardless of if I’m eating healthy or normal prior

But yea I hear many ppl tell me, don’t bother with too restrictive eating patterns in terms of food choices. But I know for me, and from my own experience, I’ll binge either way.

Just need to keep trying to stay away from binge eating cos my binges are bad, worse than my friend, who is morbidly obese.


Everyone does it from time to time. I wouldnt be hard on yourself. But that is a lot of junk food for one day. Maybe a whole week or two worth.

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Yea I do it more than from time to time.

But it’s OK, I’ll try to reduce it.

Thanks Broken

Hope all is well.


Everything is just dandy.

Your current selfies are very nice.



It’s fun taking photos from time to time

Okay sounds like things aren’t too bad I hope, :wink:

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Everything is ok, my only anxieties are lonely/bored and money.

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Glad you found this forum at least
That’s something.

Not too much, but something

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Its ok, a little bit negative content most of the time tho

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Oh right, yea not everyone is a fan of that. I don’t mind too much.

Just some of the threads I feel uncomfortable to contribute in because I don’t like opening up about psychosis too much.

Glad it’s generally OK for you though


When you feel like sharing you have an open ear here, I like hearing what you have to say.

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Likewise to you. But no pressure, I don’t like ppl to feel uncomfortable, regretting what they’ve opened up about.


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When brother lived with my mom I ate like crazy. I was on invega and half my brothers grocery list was sweets. he’d buy multiple whole cakes. Those were good times. Scary though. I’ve never taken abilify so idk about the impulse control stuff. You have good taste in candy though. Ive been eating Haribo candies since I was a kid.

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