I’m supposed to be on Invega trinza 3 months injection. They gave me an expired 1 month dose. My doctor said it may be ineffective. But I’ve been feeling medicated. Maybe it’ll just wear off sooner?
I have a genuine dislike for incompetence.
Sorry that happened to you.
Oh lawdy, that is not really what you need right now. Having to guess whether or not you’re medicated? Jeez-us
Haha. Yeah. I definitely feel medicated. I was just unmedicated for 5 days so I know what the difference is. It’s scary thinking it’ll wear off though
I wonder how long it has been expired?
I remember someone saying on here their dr office gave them an injection of a completely different antipsychotic that would be horrible
I think 2 years
That would really suck. It would be like starting all over again. I was so miserable my first year on APs.
If you feel better mentally, you’re probably ok. If you’re scared, come up with a list of questions and concerns and then call your drs office and see what they say
I feel mostly fine. Medicated. Numb to the world. Emotionless with general sadness. The usual feelings.
Ps I haven’t seen you on much! How is your pain?
My bladder hurts 100% of the time. It’s super inflamed. So my pain is high unfortunately. Thanks for asking
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