Is there a chance the injection is still in my body

I quit it like a year ago but still sometimes get eyes fixated on the ceiling

You stopped your injection cold turkey ?

How was it ?

I didn’t go off cold turkey

Injections slowly taper themselves out of your system. They do stay in longer than the duration they are meant to stay in but not by long.

A year it’s long long gone for sure

How did you get off the injection ?

I think she is talking about one specific injection. She is still on another. She is not off AP’s.

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I understand.

I’m just asking if she quit her injection.

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I read that Invega can still be traced in your blood for up to a year.

You’re referring to the abilify / aripirazole one aren’t you? It would be out of your system after a year

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Yes I am referring to that

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Yeah, it will be out of your system. But I have no idea what kinda effect (long term) Antipsychotics have on the nervous system - have you asked your psychiatrist why this still happens sometimes?

Haven’t asked because it happens rarely

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Ah makes sense, it might go away then. But ask your dr what’s up (no pun intended) and he/she will know if it will go away

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Okay will do when I see her

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