What are my chances of staying on disability when my review comes up? I still hear voices and have negative symptoms my pdoc doesn’t understand negative symptoms and just thinks I’m incredibly lazy but those are my symptoms
Probably pretty good unless you’ve been working steadily at a job for over a year.
I would hate to be made that remark to me. I find that inappropriate. Besides, he’s a psychiatrist, he should understand.
Well, on the forms they send you there’s usually space to tell them your symptoms and why you think you should still get benefits. Tell the truth and tell them you hear voices and you have other symptoms which stop you from working or going to school. Tell them what a typical day with schizophrenia s like and the things it stops you from doing. If you’re honest and describe how schizophrenia affects you they should get the picture and you can keep getting benefits.
Is the review in person or through the mail?
Thanks @77nick77 I’m not sure yet my review isn’t until later
Yea many Drs and therpists think that sadly as they don’t study or get training in negative symptoms as there is no treatment and because of stigma.
I try to tell her I wasn’t like this before I got ill
I used to bring my mom or dad or sister with me to most appointments.
It’s good support and they can help you understand everything that’s going on and help you to not make mistakes. They can talk directly to the worker and ask questions and maybe fill in information about what your illness entails.
I like your tag line. Its positive.
I ripped it off from a soldier at work. They had a big board up in the breakroom and people were writing every cool saying they could think of on it (including me).
ah i hate social security reviews. I always brought my mum with me and she would help me explain what was going on. I am lucky that they put me on a list that says i don’t have to go to reviews anymore because it’s chronic disease so i hope they leave me alone for good now.
I think if you are still sick that chances are high that you can stay on disability though…
I reckon you will be alright - i know it dont stop you worrying tho. Not sure if your US or UK mate. But mines been deferred to October 2021 uk here.
Schizophrenia is described as a “severe” mental impairment - so i reckon you will be fine.
It helps if you send your clinic copy letters too, with a statement from your shrink. Thats what i did anyway.
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