Is making me hallucinate. She’s probably just getting back at me. So everyone was mad because I was screaming at my phone FOR THEM TAPPING INTO MY PHONE like I didn’t know.
I want them to stop viewing my profile. So I was put into the hospital a few weeks ago and it was all smile smile smile. I’m not taking the mood stabilizer anymore because i tried telling them I don’t need it. The shot was a disaster too. I haven’t even seen my psychiatrist but idc I actually feel great sometimes.
They want to take invincibility from me. Regrettable.
She never liked me. She spanked me when I wasn’t even young.
Good to see you posting, @TheStrange, but what do you mean invincibility? Unfortunately, no one’s invincible
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Thanks they said to me I need to calm down I can’t be calm. They want me flat. Like trying to take things away from me you know?
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Yeah feeling flat sucks.
But if the med you’re on is causing that, why not try a different one? Or do they all do that for you?
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They don’t do good things for me they do the opposite. The judge said do you want to take it and I said no and then he said well you don’t have a choice. Why’d you ask me then???
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They took my bra from me. And one of the techs grabbed it back. The men painting were staring at my boobs constantly. I thought that meant we had to ■■■■. The voices were like you better get wet so it doesn’t hurt. I thought I was going to be raped.
I was court ordered to take my meds too. For 4 months after being hospitalized. I didn’t want to take them during the first three, but then my delusions faded and I gained insight into my illness, and I realized how desperately I needed to take my meds. Otherwise I would be stuck in a made up fantasy world.
Did the judge order you to take antipsychotics? Mood stabilizers? Both?
Sorry this happened to you
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That sounds scary. I’ve gained insight as well but maybe too much insight. Like seeing things I’m not suppose to see.
Yeah I was court ordered to take antipsychotics and a mood stabilizer but only in the hospital. I never filled them and I cancelled my psychiatrist appt because I got a cold. Then my door wasn’t lifted somehow and I knew this would attract the spiders. I can’t think about them as they sensemy thoughts they read my mind. I HATE spiders.
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Ok, I’m gonna say something you probably won’t like, but I have to say it. I think you’re having some delusions and a little bit of disorganized thinking. Hear me out.
You’re saying there were spiders and that they can somehow read your mind? There is no known animal or person that can read minds. That is just not possible in the times we’re living in. Were you perhaps talking about visual hallucinations?
It’s also highly unlikely that someone would tap your phone. And it’s a common delusion in people with schizophrenia.
You also mentioned your grandmother, that has already passed away, is making you hallucinate somehow? You said you were not taking antipsychotics, but the fact is, no one has proven the existence of ghosts or spirits, and having schizophrenia will make you believe these kinds of things without thinking twice.
Disorganized thinking is bad, because it will eventually lead to word salad, and will seriously impair your ability to communicate with other human beings.
You say you’ve gained insight, but I don’t think you’re quite fully there yet. I really believe you should give antipsychotics a second chance. Surely there is some antipsychotic you haven’t tried yet?
Please don’t think I’m discrediting what you said. I believe you believe what you’re saying. But speaking from a different point of view, of someone who has also had psychosis, this is what I see.
Please consider getting on an antipsychotic sooner rather than later. Untreated psychosis is dangerous for you and others.
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I’m going to start taking a low dose of perphenazine. I know it is my grandma because I heard her voice. She never liked me.
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Thank you so much for talking to me and replying @AccreditedPsych
I have no friendssssss I suck at making friends but now it’s like a normal
I used to hear my parents and they are alive
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Anytime! I want to see you doing well!
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For a year and a half I heard my dad screaming at me. I have ptsd from him. Does it let you know what’s going on in the world?
Some hallucinations gave me instructions. None really told me anything I didn’t know
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The voices are commanding me like a God. Well they think they’re God. I can’t die though. My psychiatrist tried to make me go BLIND. Like I said the shot was a disaster.
The voices are rape gods. Now I’m the dog.