I told my pdoc about my delusion

Of feeling like meds cause me to be convinced I’m not dead… She thought it was a positive thing.

Well guess what. I just threw together a drawing in 2 hrs and doesn’t feel like it came from me. This isn’t reality. This is death. Her ignoring my delusion made me worse cause I felt stable, I’m sure it wasn’t her intention as she doesn’t know me but I just keep having reoccurring dreams and this doesn’t feel like reality. I should have never mentioned it cause it made me worse… I want to see people from my past. I have abandonment issues.

I don’t know how to shake this feeling. My comprehension is bad and my bf is trying to snap me out of it

Try grounding yourself. See if it helps

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Ok, thanks 15151

Woah, crisis averted! I did my grounding skills and now my focus is on point. I just watched a show with him and laughed. Felt really connected


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