My childhood suXcked

I was happy and bright during kindergarten.

At the age 8- my mom started having symptoms of schizophrenia and my dad was already a drunken ■■■■■■■ so for a couple years, they talked about divorce, my mom was psychotic - this was around 1995. I was the youngest of the family so I suffered the most and witnessed most of the fights and the ugly face of psychosis.

Do you wonder why I am mentally ill. Who knows if it is chronic or just triggered by extreme stress ?

Unhappy homes cause a lot of distress. I wanna have kids- I can’t and shouldn’t.

At least though - both my dad and mom are good people. We were never beaten up - or I have never been sexually harassed.

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Same here !!! My dad was sz never been diagnosed…!!! He was always unhappy never shared his true intention …!!! HE kept mum to his problem …!!! When I turned 18 19 …!!! I had problem with socialization .!!! I didn’t like people presence …!! I was overprotected and depandant .!!! My self esteem was always poor…!!! In my personal experience bad childhood memory affects ur whole
Life …!!! It is truth that the more positively always help u live happy …!!!

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yeah - but most people experience this so don’t take it personally.

at least we were not born in a thousand years ago when they murdered babies.
there is solution - so just make the most of what you can -

I have a friend who is religious and she said

  • can’t you see how amazing you are that god gave you such a big challenge in life to overcome? ’

My childhood was fun at times and became very stressfull at times.

As we are now older my family is becoming to old to be so stressful all the time.

Marriage was nearly forced on me by my dad and his family

I hope your dealing with all this in therapy rather than just venting here. Heal well.


I vent here because my therapist is occupational and wants me to work

As in a occupational therapist?

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Wasn’t all that long ago if you were a girl they killed you because they could only have one child, and girls were not the desired ones. Cut to 18 years later, who were all those boys going to marry if there were not many girls?

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I had drunks, divorces and custody battles, i was kidnapped once, i recall one time my parent burnt me intentionally by not putting sun screen on me(she did herself), non stop fighting everyday.

I once had a shotgun pointed at me and he pulled the trigger so i’d hear it click, and he grinned at me while he did it.

I was also choked into unconsciousness.

I won’t mention the ghosts, there were ghosts sometimes though, so that was scary to.

Immediately upon entering legal age i was possessed and the torture began.

Well, I guess I will come to the party…
My Mom was a mentally ill heroin addict who abandoned us when I was 3. My Stepmom was an emotionally and physically abusive alcoholic. My Dad was and is emotionally abusive. he is a former alcoholic. I was sexually assaulted by several people as a young child and was stalked, beaten and raped as an older child. I was totally neglected by both my parents as a teenager and life preyed on me while I was out trying to survive. I ended up having severe anxiety and panic attacks for years. they have gotten quite a bit better with age but I still get panicky. I have to live with my Dad now because I can’t afford to be alone. I am still very resentful over his gross neglect of me and his severe emotional abuse. I suppose that is what therapy is for. Wouldn’t surprise me if all that contributed to me snapping.

I didn’t even mention all the ■■■■ that happened to me as an adult. That is a whole other book…

I got my own babies now. They were raised with love and we are SO close. I adore them and they are so healing.

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I grew up in a broken home. Father alcoholic and mother schizophrenic. There was very little affection in that home though us brothers got along OK in our own way. I have just one vague memory as a child of my father and mother being kind to each other and sleeping in the same bed. Father slept on the couch all the years I can recall, and mom was often in hospital, which made things calmer. She died just last summer which led to several stresses which made me ill.

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My childhood sucked, too. At some point, though, it stops mattering how you shattered your leg, just that you get about the business of walking again as well as you can.

BTW, you are your own person making your own choices. If… IF you are stable, no reason why you can’t provide a loving, supportive (and healthy) home for a kid.
