My bf did it

The upstairs neighbors moved furniture around above the bedroom so he yelled and took a broom and banged at the ceiling to get them to stop
I can’t go outside anymore. I don’t feel safe


Should I go to crisis center?

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you will be fine…glad your bf is helping out…he will protect you…no one means you any harm…relax.

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Not sure about that. Probably get worse

I wouldn’t lie to you…don’t be paranoid…try to get some sleep.

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That wasn’t smart of him. It was a bad way to handle it; knocking on their door to ask them if they can please keep it down might have been better or if you have the managers number, to call them and complain… Believe me, I’ve done the same thing your boyfriend did before and it just made things worse.
I don’t know if you’re in danger but take reasonable precautions. Yeah, neighbor problems: bleh!
Like jukebox said, get a good nights sleep. Things may look different in the morning where everybody’s rested and calmed down and it’s a new day; hopefully without stress.


Yeah I fear I can’t even walk outside anymore.


I think really after me now

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Is it a bad neighborhood? I’ve been in lots of housing in 35+ years and many neighborhoods and can’t remember anyone even once running up and attacking me or jumping out from behind a bush to do me harm.

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No just people with kids

People don’t stay here very long when the rent goes up.

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Then if it’s family oriented it just might be safe enough to take short walks without being bothered.

It won’t do you no good Nick. I’m mentally sick physically tired I can’t find peace in fourteen years. People won’t leave me alone.

I’m sorry @roxanna. I’ve felt hopeless a million times. I understand tiredness believe me. I know that sometimes you have to call a spade a spade and I admit people just get in depressing situations or intolerable situations and everything is not alright. You just got to keep pushing through. You have these boards, maybe you can branch out and find support other places too.

I’m sorry too.15151515

Are you going to be okay @roxanna?

Sorry your bf did that.

Some people just moved in next door to me too. Everyone is loud when they get there for at least a week.

They finally settle in though. See if your bf will cut them some slack till Monday.

They will be done cleaning and figuring out where to put furniture by then.

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