Went to take out trash

Upstairs neighbor slammed truck door really loud when I went to dumpster.When am I going to wake up from this nightmare?


Sounds more like you need a better place to live or a better neighbor.

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Roxanna… please look into your meds, and into your trauma… love, Yaya…


My bf doesn’t want to move. Hell yell at me and say ignore them. Catch 22 maybe? I give up.


ask him to see why they are always upset at you.


Why are they mad at me? Why do they listen to me follow me around cursing at me? Saying ■■■■ like hoe etc…there’s something ■■■■■■■ wrong with them. I need to ask my caseworker if my bf and find a different place to live.

September 17th 2017 the guy screamed whore really ■■■■■■■ loud through my ceiling . So they started it not me.

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I think certain people have been telling lies about me. And they believe it. ???

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Roxanna they are not mad at you and you did nothing wrong… it’s just your mind playing tricks on you…

You need to look into the trauma and find out why you are scared…

This will relieve some of the fustration


i think @YayaC is correct.


Past 8-9 years I was harassed by strangers over half siblings. Almost being murdered. Job robbery etc…so my mind thinks people are after me.

I just don’t feel good anymore. I lost all my twenties to this illness. I’m 40 in three years. Doesn’t matter.

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He might just be a person who slams doors hard. It probably had nothing to do with you and he probably had no idea that he was bothering anyone.


If you’re like me, sometimes if I go out looking for the worst in people, I will find it. I know people are cool and nice most of the time but if you start believing your delusions than they can sometimes come true. If you keep thinking and acting like someone is bad even if they are not, eventually that person might really start acting bad. Basically, if you bug a nice person enough they will get fed-up and start treating you poorly. I’m on your side, but I really can’t tell if your neighbor is yelling things as much as you say.


I see my caseworker Tuesday to update paperwork. She can pass my pdoc a few things that are going on . Nick I’m trying I really am. I’m starting to not feel safe . I talk to my dad who lives in same complex.you know I can’t even go outside anymore. That’s by force.

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I believe that. I was in the same boat before and still am in certain ways. I cause my own problems.


I didn’t cause my problems.

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They’re going to have someone physically harm me.

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