My best song so far---flow impeccable

My friend who holds me to the standard of a professional rapper tells me it’s real good.

He said. Well versed my friend. I like the word play

Check it out if ur a hip hop fan. @HQuinn if u liked the last one, this ones much better. @anon84763962 when u get back to AUS peep it

Also shoutout to @PinCushion for helping me write my favorite lines

“They tell me they wasted the youth on me”

After chordy told me the youth was wasted on me :heart:️:grin:

Love that.


"Verse 2 coming up in a few " ! :smile:

It’s a very relaxing style.

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I had a dream that hip hop was the most popular genre in the USA :us:. I think :thought_balloon: it was a dream. I wish there were some more hip hop fans on this board. This is genius. The flow, the lyrics, the self degradation, it really is closest to Eminem but my own style. I don’t take it personally. Some ppl just don’t get hip hop.

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@Azley you were giving me props so I think you’ll like this

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When do you ever take a breath?

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At the beginning lol :joy:. I dunno might sneak some in at times.

You’re getting much, better! Good flow and i dig the funny parts!

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Yeah steady improvement over the past year and big improvement last week. Thanks :pray: man. I wish you luck with your music :notes: too

I know you got skills.


It’s fugging brilliant mate!

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Thanks man I am honored you say that. I was starting to doubt myself after hearing spaceinvaders stuff but I guess all music is different. All music unique. Differnet strokes for different folks. But regardless, glad U like it. :thumbsup:

Trying to write a better song now but writers block.

@Goyankees, that’s your own style. It made me laugh and was very entertaining to listen to. If everyone sounded the same the music industry would be boring. It’s very original your sounds! :slight_smile:

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nice I like it well done…

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I also like it dude. You should feel so proud making stuff like this.

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Yeah good rhyme schemes…

When it’s time I guess you’ll hear all the ■■■■ the world has to say about it!!!

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im going to buy a nice new cheapesh guitar and get my mind at ease. my guitar is so old. it almost feels like my brain

I la la love it! So did Tiggy! He started purring throughout it. I love the backing track too. You’re really gifted!


You’re home!?!??!?! And thanks!

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I’m home now … I’ll start a thread soon and add some pictures. But back home now. Missing USA already … we loved it and can’t wait to go back and see more of the country. America is a really amazing country and we loved it.

Hey, I wanted to ask you if you could link me the song with Mathematics as the track? I lost the @ notification! And I couldn’t listen to it on my tablet for some reason. I do like Mos Def and MAthematics is my favourite of his tracks!

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Lol I wrote it in 2011 so I deleted it!!! But I will re-upload it for you…hold on lemme listen to it first to make sure I wanna do this.

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I think its decent actually other than a few lines

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