My best drum cuts here :) not a bad song either


I love it!!! I had to insert a bunch of exclamation points for this to be long enough to post. Haha

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Ty very much. I appreciate it

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If you did all that yourself that’s pretty mind blowing…

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It’s perfect and amazing. Would love to collaborate!

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Nice man. I’m a drummer myself, not bad at all. I’ve been off again on again with drums despite being at it since age ten. Reminds me of my last recording experiences in the Bean Town area. Was playing with a singer song writer but jamming on the side with a schizo space metal guy which was really liberating.

Keep on keepin on. I’ve got a cd in the deck which I’m going to listen to before thinking of uploading, no idea what’s on it.

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well these drums are midi and quantized so im not as good as the edits but im still content with putting it all together :slight_smile:

ill make this song downloadable if you want to record some vocals or other instruments also let me know :slight_smile: or other songs let me know what ideas you have :slight_smile:

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midi, really? I’m surprised it sounded like real drums to me, but I’m sure midi has gone a long way since I was playing around with cakewalk and such. I tried my best to make my only surviving cd recording uploadable but the fact that I know nothing about that stuff nowadays and the only track worth listening to was 45 minutes long kind of nixed that idea.

No idea who was on the guitar, couldn’t place it for the life of me but a 45 minute set that steady totally sober as far as I know was a surprise, I was playing regularly back then though. God I need to find a cheap electronic set to play in my apartment, I can’t let my skills get any more rusty than they’ve had to of gotten by now.

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Nice work, HuckFinn! Did you play the drums via a MIDI drum kit (or another input device)? What drum library/VSTi is it? Sounds huge and appropriately ambient, which works well in the context of the genre and helps homogenize the separate elements.

I’m a freelance mix engineer (and I run a pro-audio store), so if you ever want any advice or help - or just another reference to compare against your own monitors/studio - feel free to yell out!

I don’t want to make this about me so I’m hesitant to comment further without invitation!

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Liked it…cool song…:alien:

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Simmons e kit into bfd eco in logic with some Eddie Kramer waves plugins.

yea… your comments are very welcome :slight_smile:

im actually mixing on 100 buck headhones currently… overall i would bring my vocals down just a touch or the guitar a touch up…

how did you upload that music on here by the way?

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its just a link to soundcloud… copied and pasted

Ahh good old Logic (I’m using a turnkey PC with Cubase 8). Logic is probably the only thing I miss from my Apple days.

Eddie Kramer explains the girth! Do you have the drums ducking to the vocals, or is the pumping caused by something else? I really like the artistic effect it imparts - inspires head nodding!

I’d do both, just not statically. Use automation tracks to dynamically alter the levels at the times a conflict arises and to adjust where the focal point should be as the track evolves. Once you get familiar with automation, you can really add a whole new level of artistic control.

An alternative option would be to pan the guitar away from the centre during the parts where the vocals are active and centre again other times. To regain balance to the other side, artistic options are endless, but without adding any extra parts, you could just send a reverb of the guitar there or hard pan parts of the drum kit there during those sections.

The mix sounds very good to me for what one would expect possible on $100 headphones, mate! The snare could benefit from a bit more smack (Some of the crashes are a bit loud/dominant, but I’m not an expert on the genre, so that could have been contributing to the interesting pumpiness, which made me feel part of a live audience … I enjoyed the song, despite it not representing the type of music I normally listen to - which says a lot about your methodology!

Smack should work in conjunction with the pulse to really help identify the snare drum hit within the mix. Some other common descriptions would be bang or crack. You will find most of your snare drum’s smack around 900Hz-2.0kHz. A peaking band works well here and I will often reduce the bandwidth (Q) to 1.5 or so. A narrower bandwidth here can help pinpoint the smack without taking up too much space in the already crowded and vital midrange frequencies. - From

Keep it up!

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I’ve signed up and managed to upload but it’s still uploading…we’ll see.

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i figured id automate my vocals… and ty yea ill boost the guitar too… maybe ill try out automated panning on it too :slight_smile:
cool :slight_smile:

Seeing as you didn’t use compressor “ducking” to create that pumping effect, you’ll probably love playing around with it! You can automate when and how much it happens quite easily too. Here’s a tute: