Made a trippy beat with live drums

I decided to have some fun with a drum sampler and I made this with some cool arpeggios

Hope you like! Might try to rap over it if its good


Fine work man! Totally my kind of music for sure!

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Good music

Definitely likeable

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Thanks @anon94176359! Im glad youre a fan cuz I am too I think this is the best Ive made in awhile

@steffifan Thanks man! I like it too :slight_smile:


What is the DAW interface like for the sampler? Is it like a regular drum machine with like 16 key things?

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Hey @zwolfgang you might like these guys


No actually the sampler Im using looks like a real drum kit and you click on the part you want to modify the envelope or settings for, then I play the midi keyboard. C5 is kick, D5 is snare and F# is hi hat and so on

That song you sent has some really cool mixing really cool vibe!

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I totally think this is the way forward for human sounding drums. I was wondering how flying lotus made his beats sound so ‘slippy’ and ‘organic’. But I am sure he manually plays the beats like you do

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I agree, even with trap you want to get that bounce so sometimes I manually play the hi hats

FLying lotus beats are great btw

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I love that sound zee man i was vibing to it, do you know if that mastering software is went back up to full price again? i wondered if your whole class took advantage of that lol

Btw @anon94176359 Flying Lotus was playing really chilled sounds on radio six and chatting Sunday night it was really cool :slight_smile: We play boards of Canada sometimes on the radio show, i think they might be Scottish but not sure


Love the overall melody in this!! Wish I was home with my mic.


It’s great :+1:. You should do a rap version but also hold onto the instrumental cos both would be good. I liked it. Listened to the whole thing.

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Thanks @daydreamer! I think it did but Im not sure. I didnt tell anyone about it I forgot lol but Im sure some were able to take advantage of it

@Jonnybegood ty man! That would be sweet for sure

@Loke thanks thats a good idea, I might try to rap over it or something and keep the instrumental

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Yeah they are Scottish hap

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sounds good @zwolfgang
i like it =)

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Thqnks @lekkerhondje IM glad you like it :slight_smile:

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