I decided to have some fun with a drum sampler and I made this with some cool arpeggios
Hope you like! Might try to rap over it if its good
I decided to have some fun with a drum sampler and I made this with some cool arpeggios
Hope you like! Might try to rap over it if its good
Fine work man! Totally my kind of music for sure!
Good music
Definitely likeable
Thanks @anon94176359! Im glad youre a fan cuz I am too I think this is the best Ive made in awhile
@steffifan Thanks man! I like it too
What is the DAW interface like for the sampler? Is it like a regular drum machine with like 16 key things?
Hey @zwolfgang you might like these guys
No actually the sampler Im using looks like a real drum kit and you click on the part you want to modify the envelope or settings for, then I play the midi keyboard. C5 is kick, D5 is snare and F# is hi hat and so on
That song you sent has some really cool mixing really cool vibe!
I totally think this is the way forward for human sounding drums. I was wondering how flying lotus made his beats sound so ‘slippy’ and ‘organic’. But I am sure he manually plays the beats like you do
I agree, even with trap you want to get that bounce so sometimes I manually play the hi hats
FLying lotus beats are great btw
I love that sound zee man i was vibing to it, do you know if that mastering software is went back up to full price again? i wondered if your whole class took advantage of that lol
Btw @anon94176359 Flying Lotus was playing really chilled sounds on radio six and chatting Sunday night it was really cool We play boards of Canada sometimes on the radio show, i think they might be Scottish but not sure
Love the overall melody in this!! Wish I was home with my mic.
It’s great . You should do a rap version but also hold onto the instrumental cos both would be good. I liked it. Listened to the whole thing.
Thanks @daydreamer! I think it did but Im not sure. I didnt tell anyone about it I forgot lol but Im sure some were able to take advantage of it
@Jonnybegood ty man! That would be sweet for sure
@Loke thanks thats a good idea, I might try to rap over it or something and keep the instrumental
Yeah they are Scottish hap
sounds good @zwolfgang
i like it =)
Thqnks @lekkerhondje IM glad you like it
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