Maybe a lame toon but its practice yet


@Minnii @everhopeful

Cool motorbike! :smile: Maybe a little too much polution lol

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Nice one!!! :blush:

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Lol. Just a tad too much

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I really enjoy the levels from the music in the background. Did you write the music?

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Ty. Yea. I wrote it. I’m looking to create a full Scotty video for it… I’m a few scenes in at a modest level

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Dude, what! This song is rad! Did you play all the instruments?

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It’s a midi drum track otherwise all me yes. Ty. In logic 9

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Good voice, great tone from the guitar and bass, good lyrics, drums are solid. Just a good tune man. You know, I actually play the drums, I don’t have a spot to play currently but if I ever do I would love to record some tracks and see if you like them.

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Sounds awesome!

Have you ever played an electronic set? Because midi drums can sound better than recording actual drums with weak mics. And e drums are legal in apartments.

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My dad has an midi kit that I have recorded on before. That’s actually a damn good idea.

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Coolest thing I’ve seen in weeks! Scottie rules!

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I’m thinking I should make him more exciting for the music. Ty

If you record some jams on his set, record the midi data itself please. I’ll route it through my drum samples here

Bro. You could actually use mesh heads with piezoelectric pickups on them and route them into a midi brain… it’s cheaper and if you like the feel of your actual drum set its more realistic

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Ty so much… it’s a practice run… I’m gonna take some more footage into it soon

its this simple :slight_smile: and then you could route the 1/4 inch into a used midi brain… its quieter than rubber pads too…

i wont keep bugging ya. but Drums are of utmost importance :slight_smile:

Here is a faster cut :slight_smile: ill do something like this speed with other landscape and keeping the eq lights tho

@Minnii @everhopeful