It occurred to me at one point that the old Bowie tune Scary Monster kinda captured what it feels like to go thru psychosis. Not so much the lyrics, but the actual sound of it, particularly Robert Fripp’s guitar. The LP version. Early Swans, some Sonic Youth, and early Unsane also give me a similar impression. Just curious if anyone else has gotten the same feeling from certain examples of music they listen to also. Not the lyrics, although they’re important too. The actual music. No specific genre, whatever you listen to.
Mr bungle!!! 15
this song reminds me of my psychosis
Colin Newman- Metarkerst
Wire- 40 Versions
I totally missed Wire. I feel they were an interesting band I should have picked up on! Thanks for the reminder!
Joy Division-- Digital
Joy Division- Dead Souls
The Cure-- Other Voices
Tuxedomoon-- No Tears
Swans- Weakling
Psychosis was like a mental vacation… this song epitomises my experience.
The Beatles- Happiness is a Warm Gun
King Crimson- Indiscipline
That Cure song feels a lot like psychosis to me.
This whole Primal Scream LP reminds me of psychosis sounds. I don’t even like the album, but it’s so angry and discordant
Hi @Pamito, I’m listening to the LP right now. From the first song, I can already hear what you’re talking about. Thanks for introducing me to something cool I’ve never heard before.
Throbbing gristle-- Tiab Gulls
Cabaret Voltaire- Messages Received