Music induced Hallucinations?

Every get these?

Listening to your fav song and all a sudden things start to twist and move.

Everything gets distorted and scary. All because of music???

Like things are singing the lyrics to you or the lyrics are a message.

Just curious.


Used to, not anymore though.

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I get the feeling it isn’t common…

I have no idea sharpii

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I dated a guy who used to get that. He wasn’t sz though. He was a neurotypical as far as I know. But he would put on a dim red light and listen to Pink Floyd, and he would start “enjoying” drug-free hallucinations. I don’t get normies sometimes…

Not really. I think what thats called is “seeing sound” which is an effect from psychedelic drugs or possibly sz. Ive never gotten it sober though. Well maybe a few times

Like things are singing the lyrics to you or the lyrics are a message.

That part is common, it’s called "delusions of reference "

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I get that all the time

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I got lucky with abilify, it stopped that for me.

I used to get that when I was a teenager.

Nope. But one day I hallucinate a beautiful symphony in my head. It was a song I had never heard, and was absolutely beautiful! I’d give anything for that to happen again, even if it were overbearing.

I don’t get external hallucinations from music, but it can very easily make my mind just come alive internally with lots of imagery, to the point I get sucked into my own internal world. For this reason I can do nothing but listen to music for hours and be completely entertained. I think I spent over 50% of my waking teenage years with a pair of headphones on. Some songs / sound combinations are just like a shot of vodka for my brain.

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this happens to me. not often. it’s wonderful.

well it can be kinda scary if i find i can’t move during it, but otherwise it’s amazing

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when i was younger i used to get angry with the radio stations for continuously trying to “tell me” something by playing the same song(s) over and over.

then i began blind-selecting my music (from cassettes or vinyl) and on occasion i’d believe i had chosen a specific album for a specific reason

there is a modern type of divination using mp3s or song playlists where you pick a number, skip that many tracks, and the song you land on is supposed to have personal relevance for some reason … i don’t practice it but i understand that feeling so well

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