Does certain genres of music and lyrics effect you when you are having an episode? Or do you cope alright ?
I thank my lucky stars that music didn’t affect me when I had my episode, if anything it was a safe place for me just throwing my head phones on
When I had an episode music helped me. It didn’t cause one.
Music always helps me. When voices are too much it drowns them out.
There are many examples of music that I listened to whilst I was psychotic that I was convinced that they were telling me this reality is false, and they were trying to get me to realise subtly through their lyrics that everyone was playing a game of psychic powers that I was excluded from
When I hear these songs now, it makes me feel sad.
A guy at the mental hospital told me to wait for the green limo to pick me up so I could leave this place. Fair to say we sat outside all night smoking, and waiting for his space ship to take him back home to Mars.
Music didn’t help me because psychotic stuff interfered with it
I remember listening to misidentify movement machina remix while psychotic and there are voices and laughing in the track itself and it was crazy euphoric but very delusional but I felt my emotions blending into the song
I can’t listen to old music that I used to listen when growing up, it triggers me and makes me anxious and irritated. It makes me somewhat sick to my stomach…
Love songs mess me up. So I prefer instrumentals.
Music has kept me alive I think. When I feel bad I listen music and it helps.
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