It feels good for some reason but I dont think its a good idea, it brings bad memories.
i was never psychotic but i listen to songs i listened to as a kid sometimes, only good songs
Yes I do it brings back nostalgia
Whole genres I avoid due to some triggering memories. I slip up sometimes, usually when it’s a bad day, but I know it’s healthier for me to not indulge.
Listening to music is usually to overstimulating when I’m in psychosis, so no. On the other hand, if I have listened to music during that time, I don’t remember what it was lol
This song completely reminds me of being in the hospital and being completely psychotic.
It’s a good song though.
I really like the verses but not so much the chorus to me
This song brings me back to my psychosis a lot
I don’t experience psychosis as much, but I do like to listen to music when I’m hypomanic. I said this in the music thread, but although this song is from the perspective of a drug user, I feel like the lyrics apply to manic and hypomanic states as well.
“I feel so extraordinary
Something’s got a hold on me
I get this feeling I’m in motion
A certain sense of liberty”
The chorus, as well.
I just stopped listening to music I used to listen while psychotic as it makes me want to cry.
i only listen to songs which feel good to me and mostly the latest
Yeah, but it’s not one of my triggers. I have to be careful about stuff involving UFOs and aliens when I’m unstable.
I still listen to the same music I listened to when I wash psychotic and it doesn’t bother me.
Some music I associate with different things, I avoid.
I was psychotic all through the early 80’s up to 2016. So modern music from any of those four decades has the potential to emotionally trigger me.
Apple Music has playlists of hits from every year.
I was first diagnosed in 1980. Spent 1981 in my first group home. 1982 I was in the hospital.
So yes, it’s interesting now to listen to hit songs from those three years.
It’s also neat to play all the hits from when I was in high school.
“Hotel California” anyone?
I listened to this song every morning around early 2014 right up to when I was fully psychotic, it’s still good and brings me back to when I was “normal”
I used to think Drake, one more Dance was my soul mate singing to me through Drake’s body, and watching the video, it moved me…
I don’t go out my way to listen to it
No, but with a specific song
I was feeling my head changing size
I didn’t listen to music when psychotic, so I can pretty much listen to everything.
yes I thought all movies and all music was about me and my subject of erotomania…still listen to the albums and movies sometimes…like it, reminds me I’m sane…