I’m experiencing mouth twitches
Started 2 days ago but today it has increased in intensity and frequency!
I’m really afraid that it could be the start of tardive dyskinesia
I’m in the process of contacting my psychiatrist.
Damn, monkeying around with the doses can cause td!
What the ■■■■■ did I do?!?!
Well hopefully you don’t have that.
I got mouth twitches after I stopped my AP and AD. Doesnt happen anymore since restarting meds.
Yeah hopefully it’s just a normal reaction to the slight lowered dose
I’m still going to contact my doctor
Thanks @TheCanuk
glad you’re contacting the pdoc…he can take care of that. my pdoc said she could if it ever happened.
She is prescribing me Cogentin but I’m very nervous taking this drug.
I don’t like some of the side effects like rapid heartbeat and psychosis!
.if you need medical assistance you can ask chat gpt.he is really seriously succesful on diagnosis.but sometimes he is lying so you have to be careful
I’m glad you went to the pdoc. TD isn’t something to mess around with. Our meds can mask TD symptoms, so coming off of meds may reveal symptoms we weren’t aware of like mouth twitches. Even if it is TD, though, don’t get too stressed over it. It can go away.
Do you think that I should take the cogentin my doctor prescribed?
Could it really help? @Happy_H
It will probably go away once you stop tinkering with the doses. I get mouth twitches when I lower dose too
Thanks @Rainstorm
Actually I got the go ahead to stay on my lowered dose from my doctors office
I’m sorry @Wave,don’t play with your brain …
As soon as you find right meds,stick with it.
Yeah I will thanks @anon83704208
My mouth is still twitching on and off
Do you think I should take the cogentin?
Mine is too,I don’t take meds for that.It will pass…
Yeah I really don’t want to take it
Thanks @anon83704208
I was prescribed cogentin, but it didn’t help me. That’s not to say that it won’t help someone else. None of the meds helped me, from Austedo to cogentin and all of the others. I can’t say whether they are worth trying or not for you; that’s a very personal decision. I only tried as much as I did because mine got pretty severe. Otherwise, I probably would have given up sooner.