my mouth is vibrating and twitching to go along with my usual pursing. Why do I have to deal with this shite right now? I’m really not in the mood for bad news. I hope it goes away but what if it doesn’t? Am I going to be stuck like this forever?
I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Call your doctor right away, and I really hope it’s temporary!
I hope you feel better.
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I’ve always heard that if you catch TD early and stop taking the drug causing it (with your docs approval) that it can be reversed.
I got it from abilify a couple years back and it mostly resolved after stopping the abilify but it does get worse with stress
Talk to your doctor about it @tera.
I hope it gets better for you soon!
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I met a person with tardive dyskinesia like this and they always told me that its due to certain meds you may want to consider that.
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