Twitchy-is it the meds?

Hey so I’ve been on 10 mg Abilify for a little over 2 weeks now and I realized I’ve developed weird twitches. Mostly in my mouth area. I am scared of tardive dyskinesia and don’t like that I am twitching after only 2 weeks on the therapeutic dose. Anyone else have experienced with twitches? I’m hoping it’s just due to high stress…but usually my stress twitches happen in my eye…

If I had the twitches, I’d seriously consider changing meds. But I’m on 20mg of Abilify and I don’t have this problem.

Emailing my pdoc about it now. Abilify is supposed to be one of the least likely APs to cause TD too aside from Clozaril…

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TD won’t appear after two weeks. Period.

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Yeah that’s what I thought too. Maybe it’s just stress twitches.

I got twitchy on respiridone…buh bye. I switched meds. I couldn’t chance a permanent tic.

The dosage and medication may have a direct cause of the “twitching.” Were you previously on another pharmaceutical? If so, your body is interacting with the two, inappropriately.

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I have myoclonic jerks and facial twitches on clozapine. Its cause of clozapine induced seizures. I take valproate to control them.

Check if these twitches are cuz of abilify induced seizures or not.


hmmm this is why I made a B in honors pharmacology…I forgot that it takes like six months of being on a med for TD to come about.

Probably stress. The med really shouldnt be doing this yet, but it is possible, it’s just very unlikely. I would say speak with the pdoc ASAP. I have been having insomnia like a ■■■■■■■■■■■■, I had to speak wit mine a few minutes ago to start a tiny dose of seroquel for sleep in addition to the geodon. It runs the risk of cardio crap at higher doses, but 25-50mg of seroquel isnt gonna do jack ■■■■ to my heart, which is ■■■■■■ already from geodon (hypertension, 165/110 before it was treated with an assload of propranolol, 120mg ER)

Good luck and dont die

I hope I have good luck and dont die

hope I just frickin sleep and wake up alive

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Abilify causes this to happen with me when I’m concentrating. It’s the only ap I’ve been on that causes this. My pdoc said to keep an eye on it, but not to worry. When I go off Abilify it will probably cease.