My mood is now beginning to stabilize. So it seems like the 600 mgs of qutiapine are starting to do their job.
I want to apologize to all of you for mixing far to much in other peoples buissness and hope fully I’ve learned the final lesson to keep quiet instead of commenting on all the mail without being asked.
If you really need my help I’ll be there for you and if not I must learn to shot up.
So I must learn the lesson to take my meds and not comment on anything’s without getting invited to it.
Your friend and fellow suffer Niels.
Don’t worry. The point in the forum is that we support each other, which means commenting on each others posts
You have been kind to me when you advised me about Seroquel.
I’m happy that you are doing better.
Dear beatyfull girl I think that I first must ask people at every post if they want to know my opinion before I write anything I’m so ashamed over the way I’ve treated my fragile friends.
I honestly think you are too hard on yourself. I don’t think you have done anything wrong
I have to ask for permission from every user on this forum before I say anything I don’t know what suddenly went wrong but all of a sudden my illness was more like a mood disorder. I know surely that the phd not was wrong in that my illness began as a thought disorder.
But you cannot possibly ask for everyones permission before you post anything, there will always be someone who disaggrees with you. As long as you are being polite and supportive I don’t see a problem
I just don’t want to create confusion among my fragile friends so at least one person must give me permission to free speech.
Well then I am that one person. Here is your permission to speak
Yayyy free speech
Yay I give you the right to free speech too
I will help anyone I can here on this forum but firstly I’ll ask if they want to know my opinion and if not I’ll keep quiet many people here on this forum are deeply traumatized through all of their lives just like I am because of this terrible life situation.
Sorry I didnt mean to be joking. But I have read a lot of your posts and I don’t find any of them offensive or triggering (if thats even a word)
I realize now that the post wasn’t offending but very stressful. And I really must avoid to stress people so that I don’t make their conditions worsen.
Please just be yourself don’t worry too much
When I look backwards I see that there was a loads of things that people did to me when I was at my worst that they shouldn’t have done. I’m just trying to learn of other peoples mistakes.
Don’t be so hard on yourself @Ghosts
I find you to be a very supportive member
Welcome back!
You’re overthinking things. It’s ok to offer opinions unless you’re being unsupportive or negative about things. I’m not saying you did that. I’m just saying that that’s when an opinion is better left unsaid.
I send you all a for your positive responses but I must really take care that I say things softer to an individual that is just as sick as I was in the past.
So if I must support an individual who is really psychotic I must say it very softly because we are all very vulnerable when we are in a severe psychosis.
Last but least it’s better to say nothing than saying to much.