So I want to start a daily morning routine of t’ai ji practice after I phone my mother every morning at 10am. I’ve never stuck to a routine of t’ai ji for more than about a month before. I want to see how long I can keep it up. Thank you.
So I did moves 1-30 of the Lee style form this morning shortly after 10am. Yay.
So it’s gone ten, I’ve spoken to my mother, but I feel exhausted after not sleeping, not ideal for doing t’ai ji. I don’t know whether to push on and do some t’ai ji now, or go to sleep for a bit and do it afterwards
So after three days without doing my t’ai ji in the morning, I did moves 1-30 of the Lee style form today at around 11:30am. I really want to get into the routing of doing it after I phone my mother at 10:00am, but at least I did it today. Being strict with time has never been my strong point, indeed sometimes I think there is no benefit in it, as it goes against going with the flow, however without order in one’s life, one can become agitated and restless. So hopefully I will be able to stick to doing morning t’ai ji at around 10:00am every day from now on. Thank you.
What is, “t’ai ji” (???)… . …
Good question, I can’t give a definitive answer, one description would be that t’ai ji, or “tai chi” to use an older English transliteration of the Chinese 太极, is a form of calisthenics with martial applications.
Fascinating (Radiohead 1997).
Indeed. Almost everything has martial applications in the end, I am only giving one description here.
Why Only One?.
Why Not Many Descriptions?.
Like Endless Ones?.
Ok, the character 太 can be translated as “peace” and the character 极 as “harmony”.
I Like Those Words
So at the moment there are two things I am concentrating on in my practice, feeling the dan tien move in circles and memorizing the form loosely.
Correcting the form for structural integrity and integrating breathing will come afterwards.
I will probably have to do it at a much slower pace then.
I only slept two and a half hours last night, so might not be in a fit state to do t’ai ji practice today, and the morning is almost over. I’ll try and take a nap and find time to do some in the afternoon.
Thank you.
So I caught up on a lot of sleep last night, basically sleeping from half seven pm to eleven thirty am, with a twenty minute break at around two thirty am. I’m feeling much better, however I’ve missed the morning now for doing t’ai ji.
I will still do it today, probably quite shortly, still doing moves 1-30 of the Lee style form. Thank you.
It is awesome that you are able to do this every day. I bet it helps make lockdown feel easier.
I also have an activity routine I do most mornings. My goal is to be able to do fancy push ups, so I practice a lot with planks.
Thanks ninjastar, feel free to post your progress in your routine here if it helps.
Woke up quite early today, so managed to do my morning t’ai ji before 10am which is good. I did it quite fast, and didn’t feel the dan tien as much as previous days, but only had one lapse of memory, so there is some improvement. Thank you.
Did my t’ai ji shortly after 10am today, so sticking to the routine. Was a bit scrappy, still having a lapse of memory at the same place in the form, but I’m enjoying doing it so that is good. Thank you.
Did my t’ai ji at 11am today as woke up slightly late. I did it without the video and remembered everything just about, but am still doing it way too fast and not very rigorously. By rigorously, I mean my movements are not really correct, too vague and out of place. I actually lost balance at one point, which shouldn’t happen if you’re doing it correctly, and as with the previous few days, my sense of the dan tien was somewhat lacking. I don’t know what I was doing differently the day I felt the dan tien so strongly, with this aspect, it is difficult to know what I’m doing wrong, perhaps overthinking. Anyway, another day’s morning t’ai ji completed, so my routine is going well. Thank you.
Just did my t’ai ji practice, before 10am, so that is good. No memory lapses, which is also good. Still going too fast, but had some insight into how to feel the dan tien better, by being looser whilst circling. I’m going to keep to moves 1-30 for a few more days, maybe even a week. There are 140 moves in total. Not sure whether to move through them all or try and make sure the first 1-30 are of a high standard first. Anyway, I am doing it. Thank you.
I used to follow along with this guy when i was doing tai chi. Then i switched to weight lifting and jogging instead. Now im doing nothing, i should try do what youre doing. It would be good to get back into physical exercise. Good luck