More brain lesions?

I’m having spells where I stare off into space and times when I’m really dizzy. It’s been happening all week. I get brain lesions so I’m wondering if that’s going on. I haven’t changed or missed meds.

Wow that sounds serious. Do you see your doctor any time soon?

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I sometimes will stare off into space but I’ve always attributed it to the meds.
Maybe I’m wrong?

I would see a doctor if it continues.

Good luck @LilyoftheValley.

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Have you been diagnosed with that ?

I skipped my appt with the neurologist. I need to make another one.


Yeah I would definitely do that. Gotta take care of yourself @LilyoftheValley.


Yes. I have MRIs that show lesions. It’s autoimmune. When I’m stressed or sick my body attacks my brain. It’s not MS where the body attacks the myelin sheath around the brain. I have actual lesions in my brain itself. I went to Cleveland Clinic and they don’t know what exactly it is either.

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Oh geez. I didn’t realise autoimmune disease attacked the brain like that. :astonished:

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It’s rare enough that there’s no name for it so don’t be surprised by not hearing of it. It’s just my luck.

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Yeah then I would go see your neurologist.


Yeah, I agree with the otherwise. Definitely get an appointment with you neuro ASAP.

I will but it takes 3 months to get in with him. But I’ll call

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Better to call now and wait 3 months than to wait 3 months then call then have to wait 3 more months.

If you’re worried you could always go to the ER and tell them what’s going on. Or even urgent care can order a follow up MRI.


Sometimes when you’re seen in places like that they’ll call your provider and help you get seen sooner.

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I get very mistreated at hospitals because they always tell me I’m mentally ill and don’t run any tests or anything. It has to be the neurologist. I’ll call Monday.


I went to a neurologist before and had an EEG and MRI. I was diagnosed with chronic migraines. I guess migraines can cause brain damage. He kind of dismissed the schizophrenia but idk. I also had sleep paralysis and hypnogogic hallucinations. Not anymore.

I sometimes wonder if I need meds because they cause negative symptoms and no motivation but I guess I’ve been down that road before.

I have some past life memories that aren’t going away with meds.


That’s tough @insidemind. I’m sorry you’re bothered by past lives. Are there any connections to current life? Maybe that makes it harder to deal with.
Migraines are awful, I have a friend who has them. They’re debilitating. I think the docs haven’t figured out the whole story behind migraines. If they can cause brain damage, it more than just a bad headache. I hope the learn more about them for people like you and my friend.

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