More about my little dog

If he doesn’t start acting like himself soon, I’m going to have to get quotes for blood work. Something is just not right. I’m very worried. He’s not laying in my lap (he’s usually glued to me), he’s not barking or getting up when people come to the door (he loves visitors), and he isn’t energetic at all like his usual self.

I can’t afford emergency care so we’re not going tonight. I’m going to check with the humane society tomorrow. The low cost place I was going to take him for arthritis doesn’t do blood work.


Oh no!

I hope your doggie is okay. Hopefully he just needs to readjust.

Take care.


That’s what I’m hoping too. I’ll give him a little time just in case


Absolutely call your local animal shelter and ask what programs they’re aware of.

I’ve done this before and they’ve helped.

A lot.

Even with the money for the visit.

I’m sure you can find a way to get him seen.

Hope he feels better soon.

I know it’s the worst thing in the world when my dogs are sick,

So I feel that pain for you.

Keep an eye on him and call around.

If you have trouble with the phone or anything like that, PM me and I can help.


Thanks @Charles_Foster . I know he kept trying to jump on their 5 pound dog (he weighs 10 pounds) so they locked him in a room all day which traumatized him. They let him out at night but he’s used to tons of affection and attention all day because I don’t work. That’s why I’m giving it time before I rush him in to a regular vet. But I just have this feeling it’s more than that. My poor baby.


My 14 year old dog just had a bad few days of being sick.

She bounced back.

Dogs are pretty resilient.

But if your feeling is something is wrong,

Just call around tomorrow and see what you can do to get him in.

You’re doing good.

These things happen.


Ok. Thanks for the reassurance


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