MMPI and thoughts

My MMPI will probably say I don’t have schizophrenia. What am I supposed to think about my North Korea thoughts? Is that real? Especially if the Mmpi is accurate?

What are your North Korean thoughts?

I’m scared I will be taken from my home in 10 years and forced given plastic surgery to look like the dictator. They do this to a 1000 people. Then I will be forced through my presence alone to officiate killings of people.

I’m more concerned now about the MMPI and how I’m not schizophrenic because I worry the things I’m afraid of will now happen.

The first MMPI I took at 28 said I was sz. The second one I took at 33 said I was sza.

Okay well I have a feeling mine will just show personality disorders if that, not sza which is what I’m diagnosed with. I wasn’t honest on the test since I did not want ny parents becoming my guardians. So I’m afraid what I’m experiencing is real with the North Korea.

So your logic is you lied on the test about your delusions, the test will say you dont have schizophrenia therefore your delusions are real.

I tried to game my MMPI and I still got schizophrenic. Go figure.

I took to long and they thought i was malingering. I got aspergers. I got sza-d too. I just accept it…

I just don’t think that will happen to me. So if I’m not schizophrenic does it make it all real?

You are schizophrenic no matter what the test says and you suffer from delusions.

Isn’t the test very valid though?

I’m a diagnosed schizophrenic, I have a history of mental illness. I am on medication. If I take the test right now it would probably say I am not schizophrenic. I still have schizophrenia. You lied on the test.

But there are lie scales built into the test.

Even if the lie scales don’t detect your lies, you know you lied and the result is not accurate.

Does anyone else agree with this?

Please someone answer.

I agree with @anon84461028 .

It’s going to come back saying you have profound issues. Don’t worry about it. Not trying to be unkind, but your level of dysfunction is easy to measure with that test.

How will it? I knew which questions were checking for schizophrenia and I said no to those.

I once did a pirated online version.

High scores were : depression 89 paranoia 86 psychathenia 85 schizophrenia 82 social introversion 85 subjective depression 93 physical malfunction 83 mental dullness 101 brooding 85 social alienation 78 and 80 self alienation 82 lack of ego mastery,cognitive 84 Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 87 Anxiety 85 Low self esteem 91 Social discomfort 81 Negative treatment indicators 84 Depression, Obvious 97 Paranoia, Obvious 89 Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 88 Lack of Drive 84 Self-Depreciation 83 Self-Doubt 90 Low Motivation 95