Does anybody did this test?
What do u think about it?
I took that test three times, lot of questions. Last time the verbiage said my score was typical of a diagnosis of schizophrenia or paranoid personality disorder. Also said frequently past hospitalizations were common. I don’t know how they come up with that stuff. I think it was about 1000 questions.
It’s actually fun to play with if you understand how it’s scored. Which means I’m not a good candidate to take it – one of the rare joys I’ve ever had during hospitalizations is messing with psychologists. Not hard to do.
Never done an official one but did one online(site now dead) and the scoring basically flagged up anxiety/depression/introversion/paranoia/ some psychotic traits/ lack of drive and motivation .
It got my mental health problems, in terms of the multiple areas of problems involved, spot on.