Missing my ex husband

I miss him. I think it’s normal after 15 years together. I said goodbye to him yesterday.


Yeah it’s tough moving away from that but you have to move forward. It’s good your getting some support from your family and it’s totally understandable your going to miss what you had. Doesn’t mean that you’ll feel like that in 6 months or a year…

Hang in there. Be positive and concentrate on doing you for a while. Your a good person and make your own happiness for a while. Hugs.


Can take a couple of years to get back to feeling good, just take your time and heal


It’ll hurt at first but it only peaks you’ll start to feel better

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I’m sorry @Katherine85 .

But it’s only to be expected after 15 years. You’re human and not a robot.

But you’ll get over him.

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Yea its temporary. I quickly forgot my gf 7 years ago when she left me bcz of my schizophrenia.


Its not going to be easy but things will get easier with time

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My ex was mean to me, but he had a sense of humor. I miss hearing the jokes. But I don’t miss him. I’m turning to comedy for that relief. I think over time it’ll get easier for you. It’s very natural to feel a huge loss after a divorce. But with time, and with building a new and different life for yourself, that pain will subside. You will even probably find you’re happier than before when you were married to him.


I don’t know if it’s normal, but I feel out of my confort zone here. I feel a bit lost.

I thought you were happy and trying for baby.

Oh. Many things happened since then. Now there’s no baby. It was imposible for me to get pregnant and one day he told me he wanted to stop trying. Three days later he told me he wanted to get divorced. I don’t really know why he has left me. He said it was because he didn’t have social life because of my schizophrenia and he was feeling lonely. But now I wonder if there’s something more, something he doesn’t want to tell me about, another reason. What I know is that I’m here in my parents’home now feeling heartbroken. Now I don’t really know where I belong.


Lo siento para que pasó contigo amiga. Que tengas buena suerte en tu vida.

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You should have stayed in the house and sent him to his parents house.


@Katherine85, we get to miss some loved one who would have meant the world to us. I miss my aunt very much. She would have been a hundred if she were alive. A nice and kind soul. I still keep her in my memory.

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Sorry to hear about this. Must be tough.

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When my maternal aunt divorced her husband she had been a homemaker for 20 years. He made a six figure salary. I don’t think she even asked for alimony. Now she works at Walmart and lives in a 1 bedroom apartment. She’s happy.

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I still miss the idea of marriage and at times I’ll think of or have dreams where my ex wife is present. It’s been years since my divorce.

This is all normal.
You just got divorced after all.

Give it some time.

It does get better.


It’s understandable.

Sorry you are going through that and I hope you will feel better soon.

You love :two_hearts: your tits anyway :wink::slightly_smiling_face:

I miss my x boyfriend something horrid and his dogs (the girls) and my home I had with him.
It was a pretty perfect home for 21/2 years till I left to become vegan and give my horse a happier life (better paddock).
Now he won’t take me back.

It’s been over a year since we broke up but I just miss him more and more and the life we had.
We weren’t sexual much though but great partners.

I got his name tattood on me after we broke up because I’m a fan.

He is the best partner I ever had and the best man I ever met.

I dated another man after him who was best sex and funny but I still love my other x and miss our home together.

He said he will not take me back because I left him and he doesn’t trust me because of that and he doesn’t want someone he doesn’t trust.

He said I can be his friend and fan and I buy him gifts every now and then.

I love others but he is my favourite.

He is so cool and handled me beautifully and is perfectly clean and messy and and and …

I can’t nag him to take me back or he will cut of all contact with me.

So date others while I still love my x because I will always love him.forever.

What can we do hey?


I don’t know what we can do. Maybe we need more time to heal our wounds. We must stay strong.


I haven’t had a partner for 15 years and I am worried that I will spend the rest of my life alone. I feel that I am not being fair to a potential partner because of schiz. It would be nice to meet someone but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I afraid of the compromises and sacrifices I would have to make if I did find someone.

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