Mind in another world

I’ll try and explain this as best I can in the hope that some of you understand. When I had my second and most severe psychosis I entered into another dimension - another world - and it was so amazing that I lost interest in real life and this world. Bad and terrifying as psychosis was - I miss that other world. It’s like your mind has been stretched and now nothing fits properly. It’s hard to explain to people who have not experienced this. It’s like passing into another dimension and no-one else knows it’s there.


i go to other dimensions in meditations…wormhole travel etc…very interesting.
so i get where you are coming from…
maybe try meditating to recapture the wonder that you experienced. :rainbow:
take care :alien:

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I miss the days when my suicidal thoughts made me feel blissful. Now my meds I think are numbing my emotions even more than they are. I don’t know if this relates, but thinking back then, it does seem like I was in another world.


I think that it is quite normal for all of us to live in other realms at the same time (as schizophrenics) as we try to live in the normal one where most normal people try and live but the trick is to try to “consolidate” the different realms without having conflicts that will cause noticeable disadvantageous consequences like in dong things that others would obviously notice as out of the ordinary and or detrimental to us and or to their ways of doing or viewing things. I can see both worlds just as clearly and do not act on the not so realistic one that others would always notice if I did, so I just “think” further of it, if it were in fact a realism.

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Do you astral project?


No but I have heard a lot about it although I’m still unclear as to what it exactly is or feels like.

i get visited by aliens pretty much every night…
but the alien that sticks around the most…shows me wormhole ’ doors '…then i go through to other worlds …universes…etc.
pretty interesting. :smiley:
i see planets :earth_asia: , cities, different species, events.
take care :alien:

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What’s your take on post-life experience? Do you think there are multiple worlds one can ultimately transfer to, or one singular world (sort of like this one but divided into different continents & countries)?


I’ve seen various worlds too, both in waking states & dream states. I highly enjoyed it. Last night my dreams were so real that I was afraid - I was thinking to myself - is this a dream or real life? I was afraid because I didn’t have clothing on, yet people were around. I was freaked out - can hardly believe I woke up.

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I think there is another dimension right here on planet earth that we cannot see - I believe there are mediums who can hear and see spirit - I’m not sure if spirit can see us from there side of the divide - but I think there is another dimension right here on earth. I also think there are other planets similar to this one.


I’ve experienced planets that have had multiple suns, even multiple moons. The physics were freakier, but very enjoyable. I’m curious as to whether or not we’re seeing something future that God is planning or something that is already available post-Earthly life.

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I think that in a former age we would all have been called SAINTS and as is usual with SAINTS they lead lives of suffering. Look up Saint Francis of Assisi - he was definitely sz and made good.

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But I’m not allowed to say this otherwise the medication is reviewed lol!


the universes are infinite…like books on book shelfs.
there is a quantumn physicist who exists at the moment who is looking for shadows marking doorways to other universes.
you can have many lifes in many different universes…on different :earth_asia: planets…in the body of different species. :dragon:
there are about 1 million 250 thousand diffferent species…some are just whimsical ’ gas ’ species.
so the soul…spirit…inteligence ( that you are )…can gain learning in many forms.
you can also have lifes running at roughly the same time…more lifes… more learning.
what you want to avoid is ’ karma '.
there are 144 hells and 144 heavens…145 if you include…enlightenment level.( you free yourself at this level from the continuous cycle of rebirth. ) :baby:
take care :alien:

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We’ve got all this knowledge, and sight, and hearing - and then some quack who has read a few books sits us down and says IT’S NOT TRUE. How the F@@K for sure do they know this? Hand on heart they’re just mouthing off as much as we are!

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oh yeah, and half the universes are ’ karmic '…and the others not.
meaning it is just a cycle of birth and death…no learning , no growing…just continuous life.
take care :alien:

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lol. Basically yes. Our opinions are more than opinions when it comes to our experience, yet we are continually discarded as misinformed or “delusional”.

I’m hoping that in the next world there is greater respect for us & our gifts are continued in greater ways. The junk we’ve had to endure…

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I have wondered that if there are other intelligent life forms in the universe and that if they were to connect with us somehow that they would reveal that they too worship A singular God entity and what they worship as in being that God, is All Life.


AND WHY DO WE ALL THINK BASICALLY THE SAME THINGS - BECAUSE WE’RE BEING TOLD FROM A HIGHER PLANE - and this is when the doctor makes copious notes and wops the meds up!

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Mediums, Clairvoyants, Prophets, Saints, Seers - THAT’S WHAT WE ARE BUT WE’RE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY SO!

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