Every day I get waves of new problems that sometimes lasts for hours. It could be suicidal thoughts/depression, extreme tiredness, or fixation on a small thing like how I have to get a career or quit my job. Then sometimes coffee kicks in and it all goes away and I feel almost normal/energetic. This has been happening for a month and a half now, around the time my interest in things started coming back and I started dieting on Latuda. Right now my brain has changed drastically from what it was two months ago and I can watch slow movies and enjoy life with ease now, but my tiredness has gotten somewhat worse (maybe from coffee withdrawals). I feel like some combination of getting my interest in things back, but still being tired, makes me really emotional all the time. I can’t just sit there quietly, slowly finishing work at my desk job. I’m constantly extremely happy or extremely sad. Also I crave doing things like going hiking or cooking, and start feeling cramped in my work place. Work is suddenly becoming more stressful for me and I feel like I need a break. However (partly due to meds) I can’t sit at home without making any progress toward the future without feeling suicidal. (Meds have a weird effect on me, and I feel like it’s made me think in ways I can’t help). Everyone around me is telling me I should keep my job and not stay home, but my brain won’t give me a break. I tell my psychiatrist my problems and he just says to try your best. I have dreams of being independent, but maybe I should put that on hold right now and stay at home till I feel better. I really don’t know what to do. help.
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Im sorry man.
I feel for you <3