I wonder if I'm depressed

loss of interest in everything
Loss of joy in activities
Lack of emotions
A cluster of negative thoughts which have only one target wich is to make me feel bad, worthless, inferior etc.

This are my symtoms for a few months now. No positives, no emotions just plain existence. Do this happen to you? What might be?

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Yes for the last few months. But it turned out I was just drinking too much coffee. I drastically cut back on coffee and now things don’t seem so bleak.

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You freak me out man, I to drink crazy amounts of coffee and coffeine. Have you’ve been told by your pdoc this was the reason?

Coffee? I never knew! How great would it be @anon92220549 if drinking less coffee helped!


No I figured it out on my own and I’m glad I did.

I had to switch to drinking decaf to break the habit though. I have one regular cup when I get up and decaf for the rest of the day.

I’d buy some decaf and give it a go.

I had caffeine withdrawal symptoms for the first few days.

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How wonderful you’ve figure out on your own. You must be thrilled to don’t need more medicine.
Im going to ask my pdoc about coffee maybe it’s that easy

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Caffeine withdrawals are not pleasant

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No but they surprisingly didn’t last long thankfully.

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It sounds like negative symptoms, I don’t think it means you are depressed. For me it was never like you had positive symptoms and you were ok, you always ticked those boxes for negative symptoms.

Sorry English it’s not my first language. I can’t understand this part

Are you referring to me or yourself?

I was referring to me, that’s how I experience it.

I see. Do you take something for it? How do you cope?

No just aps. I find exercise helps a bit.

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